Rocket Launch #1

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img_6309picture of 3-D printed nose cone



We just launched our first rockets and our rocket was a huge success. Before we started launching Mrs. Boyer told my class who the people were that had important jobs. The jobs were materials manager and launch master and really lucky to get a job as a materials manager and the other materials manager helped me out with lots of important things like pushing the cart of important stuff for the launch and filling up bottles of water for the rockets and when we got all of the materials ready my class stared heading outside to launch. When we were walking outside to the field my stomach was grumbling like crazy because I was so nervous that my rocket would either explode or not go high at all. When we were at the field everyone but safety glasses on and and set up the launch pad and used the trundle wheel and then we were set to launch. The Rocketeers launched first and there rocket went pretty high. Then the Roc-kids launched and there rocket went really really high and I never thought my group’s rocket would go higher then there’s. Then it was my group’s turn so we filled up our rocket with water, put it on the launch pad, and pumped up the rocket to 90PSI and then the countdown stated. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1! Our rocket flue high in the air and everyone was in shock file my rocket shut down from the air. Everyone was whispering to each other “who’s rocket do you think went higher, the Roc-kids or my group The Astro Newtons.Then after The High Flyers launched and there’s went pretty high. The last group that launched was No Man Sky, there rocket did really well and then we were done launching so we took all the stuff that we needed for the launch and put them back on the cart and heading inside.


Going Over Data


When my class got inside we stared going over data from the launch to see how high the rockets went and at the end my rocket went the highest at a average of 28.5 meters.


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