Current Event : Earth Day 2018 Is Dedicated To Reducing Plastic Litter And Pollution

Title : Earth Day 2018 Is Dedicated To Reducing Plastic Litter And Pollution

Most people on earth day clean their neighborhood. Now we have much more to clean, plastic. So many people are trying to save the world this earth day.

Ever since 2011 they have been using plastic soda bottles to make light in homes.  So now there is a soda bottle that gives light to many homes all around the world. This “ new “ source of light helps the planet and uses plastic bottle which we are trying to get rid of anyway. This is a very good way to get rid of plastic and be useful at the same time.

Plastic ic a big problem in oceans. Soon there will be more plastic than fish in the world! Plastic is not only affecting the environment, but the animals in the ocean to. We are trying to stop plastic from going into oceans, but that will take some time to make a solution.

This earth day we are trying to get rid of plastic. We are finding ways to get rid of plastic and we are trying to succeed. I hope everyone has a great earth day!

1 comment on “Current Event : Earth Day 2018 Is Dedicated To Reducing Plastic Litter And PollutionAdd yours →

  1. Dear Lucy,
    I really liked your article. I think it’s true that plastic is bad for Earth but, it is also hard because plastic is so useful. I think it is smart that they are using plastic for light. why did you choose to write about this topic did you want to help the environment?

    Dafna Arenstein

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