Capstone 1

I chose fooball because it is my favorite thing to do. I stared to wonder what makes football gear so safe that is when i thought of it.  So my question is What Makes Football Gear So Safe and How Can We Make it Safer? My sub questions are  1. How does the helmet protect a football player? 2. How can the helmet be improved? 3. How does the chest protector protect a football player? 4. How can the chest protector be improved? 5. How do the pads protect a football player? 6. How can pads be improved? I really like what my question and sub questions are.

5 thoughts on “Capstone 1

  1. Nice job thinking of your questions. It is good that you chose a topic that you already know about so you will have an easier time knowing things during research.

  2. Good job Luke! I really like your sub quetions and your main inquiry question. You might want to check your spelling on the blog post thought.

  3. Nice job Luke!! I liked how you explained why you had chose football to be your topic and I can’t wait to see your final project!!!

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