Capstone Blog 2

When I was looking for my interview my teacher Ms.Edwards found someone who I can intervew. His name was Vito Contento. Vito is the New York Jets Equiment manger. A equiment manger is someone who cleans the players clothes and make and finds the best football gear. I knew that Vito could help me because I searched him up and he knows alot about football gear.  I love the New York Jets, They are my favorite football team. I really wanted to interview him.  When he responded I was so happy because he said yes. My interview was very helpful to my reseach.

Vito helped me with many things like a few of my sub qustion. The sub qustion he helped me with was How can Football helmet be improved?, How can Football chest protector be improved? and How can Football pads be improved? The thing he help the most was, was the football pads. Vito told me many things, But this part helped alot and it was very intersting to me is That they let the helmet companies fight against each other for the better helmet so they’re how much can be better. They mostly try to push their industry on so they make better helmet and they can protect their players better.  He also said that we only try to keep the player safe from injuries.” I think that was very intresting because I thought that they made football gear but they mostly let the companys do the work and incorige the companys to make the gear better.

To protect there football players which makes them not get as many injerys. Vito also said that ” Most Football players don’t like to use football pads because they run slower” But i thiink that it matters about how fast you run but what matters more is protection. So I think that we should focus on safey not abliaty.

2 thoughts on “Capstone Blog 2

  1. Great job. I like how you say which sub questions he helped with and what you thought about his answer

  2. Good Job Luke! I like how you put what he said and what you thought he meant. It must have been really cool to interview him!

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