Phone video

That phone video we watched was very cool I like the beginning a lot how he made a charger out of these cans and stuff and he thought he was stranded but he wasn’t that was very funny and cool. But when  they were talking about how the batteries exploded. I got nervous and scared that my phone was going to explode but it was very cool to watch that video another very awesome thing is the place that did all the things you weren’t supposed to do. Like cut the battery then the battery in every time it exploded and it was very unsafe but they did it right. In my opinion the coolest thing in that video was the battery where you cut it still works and you bend it you throw it it’s still perfectly fine and that made me realize once they put in the battery phones will not be that dangerous. I think this video was a very educational and fun to watch video. It was very good.


So for the flashlight it was very tricky at the beginning to get all the measurements down and get it perfectly because you cannot make a mistake on the wires are also wouldn’t work in the same thing with the pipe. So I got that and then when I cut the pipe it was pretty hard because you had to really saw a lot and that part was pretty easy thing to little after with my hand.Getting the wires down the shape was very easy and that didn’t take me that long. Drilling the holes Wasn’t that hard either The only tricky part was getting it in line perfectly. The soldering was very easy I don’t know why it took many people so long. Putting the switch designs into the flashlight was OK but not that hard the only annoying part was I had it in and I forgot to put the battery so I had to take it out but other than that this project was very fun and a little challenging.

Auto car cardboard project

This project was very tricky because you had to use all of the materials you had like popsicle sticks, cardboard, tinfoil and all the tools to like the glue guns the drill presses and the scroll saws. My first design was to have a cardboard lined out wrap tinfoil around it wrap a popsicle stick with tinfoil and glue the bottom of the popsicle stick to the cardboard. Then when you push down on the top of the popsicle stick the light would light up. My second design was to have a piece of cardboard at the bottom wrapped in tinfoil then I would use a glue guns and glue to circle things onto the edges. With a popsicle stick I would wrap it in tinfoil and use the drill press to make a hole in it. Then put the popsicle stick in the straw and slip the straw through each of the cardboard   circle things on the side which I propose in a glue it all together. When I let go of the popsicle stick it will hit the tinfoil and turn on the light. No third design was not very hard I got two things that had a little hair things on it I peeled it off and there was a metal thing underneath I did that twice and tapedit on to a piece of cardboard and then when the two metal things touched the light bottle the lightbulb lit up. Here is a picture of my designs.

Jewelry post

I started to do the ring and it is done it looks very good for me. My mom will love it she will be very happy with me. I am very proud of it myself and so is my mom. The Soldering was tricky but I got it done and messed up once so it wasn’t soldered together. I had to re-solder it that took a very long time. But overall this project was very fun and I like designing it and making this jewelry piece for my mom and she loves it.