Rube Goldberg 2

How I thought of the idea was when I want to make a basket and I thought why not a rube goldberg that makes a ball go in the hoop.  I did add a lot of domonies because I thought it would be a lot easier but I realzied it was  much harder. It was much harder because i had to keep on resetting it. I think I used about 300 domoines. It was very easy setting up the video comparded to every thing else.

Here is my Rube Goldberg Machine

3 thoughts on “Rube Goldberg 2

  1. Nice job not giving up even if it took long to reset the machine after you tested it. It probably took a lot of patience to reset the dominoes over and over.

  2. You used so many domino’s compared to me. I probably used like 15 domino’s. Also your video is very good.

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