This is my passion project about skiing. i worked very hard on it so i hope you get inspired about skiing. i chose skiing because it is one of my favorite sports so i hope you enjoy.

i hope you like my passion project about skiing.

Ignite refelxen

This is my ignite refelxen. My ignite took about 2 mounthes. What we did first was a practis ignite that you got to chose your topeck. I chose my famail because I love my famail.


After we did our practis ignite. We stared to resech a topeck with a grope. My topeck was tornadoes. It was called readig the wether. we reseched for a week.

Nexst we coleded all of our work form reseching and made a chart and wrote down all of our work. Each of us got 2 slides 30 secense.


Nexst we put it all together. 4 people were in a grope then we had to practes the ignite.

Last the preshent went good. The parnts loved the preshent. I was very neveys at the begening. When it was my turn I was not scard.