Answering my Main Inquiry Qustion Capstone Blog #3

I answered my main inquiry, the answer. My qustion is How does football gear protect a football player and how can we improve it? I got my anwser in a diffent way because I couldn’t anwser it strait up, but I got Football gear can be improved in many ways. Helmets can be improved by adding harder shells which will deflect the power of a hit, but improved padding is what will protect a player’s head. So padding is the only way to keep NFL players from having concussions and head injuries. Their design can be improved by adding more padding but padding should weigh less so that a player can run faster and be more protected.  Lots of people think knee pads interfered with the player’s running and movements. Chest protectors can be improved by adding more padding and some stronger outer protection. Understanding how football gear is designed to protect players is an important subject. Padding can be improved by adding more padding but makking it weigh less. It took a long time to find out all of this infomation and I worked really hard on it. I got information for many places and Vito Contento who interviewed helped me alot to anwser this qustion. It was hard make the eassy because It was hard to make it sound like an eassy. It took a while but I got it and here it is:

Have you ever watched a football game and wondered why football players are so safe from injuries? Well, you are in luck because this essay answers,  “How does football gear protect a football player and how can we improve it?”  The football gear I will be focusing on to answer this question includes helmets, chest protectors, and football pads. Helmets are good for protecting a player’s head, chest protectors protect a player’s chest, and football pads protect their shoulders, knees and other parts of their body, too.

Helmets are one type of protective gear. They protect a player’s head. This is important because football players often go head-to-head and concussions are very likely to happen if they didn’t have a helmet. The outer portion of the football helmet is made from a polycarbonate alloy that is strong, flexible and durable. The outside of the helmet is designed to deflect the force of impact to a player’s head. Football helmets are designed to minimize the risk of player concussions and prevent such injuries as facial lacerations, bone fractures and tooth loss. The padding inside the outer shell helps deflect teh impact and is what plays an important part in preventing  concussions.  How can a helmet be made better? Adding harder outer shells would make it harder but extra padding is the only way to keep NFL players from having concussions and head injuries. I agree with Vito Contento, the Jets equipment manager, the person I interviewed. He says the Jets and other NFL teams “let the helmet companies fight against each other to making the better helmets so they’re much better.”   He and and the company he works for, The New York Jet,  mostly try to push their industry so they make better helmets and they can protect their players better.  He also said that “we only try to keep the player safe from injuries.” I really agree with the part that we should push the industry to make better football gear.

A second type of football protective gear — chest protectors — are good for protecting players’ chests. Chest protectors — like helmets — are designed to absorb and distribute the force from a striking object so that the individual wearing the protective gear experiences less of an impact. Chest protectors can reduce the risk of “traumatic structural injuries” to the chest, like rib fractures. However, chest protectors have not been proven to be effective in preventing sudden cardiac death from commotio cordis. The typical chest protector plate is made of molded layers like plastic. It usually has a central layer of a high-impact polymer pad, such as a dry polyurethane gel; and two layers of high impact resistant fabric, preferably para-aramid fibers, with the polymer pad being sandwiched between the two layers of impact-resistant fabric. Do chest protectors need to be improved? Yes. Chest protectors have to be improved because as a fact, studies have shown that about 30% of the athletes who died from commotio cordis during a sporting event were wearing some type of chest protector.  This shows that their design should be improved. Also, we need to make sure that every football player wears the same reliable chest protector.  How can chest protectors be improved? Chest protectors can be improved by adding more padding and some stronger outer protection. As Vito Contento thinks that NFL teams can put pressure on companies to make better protective gear. The Jets, Vito said, “let the brands do all the making and engineering work to make it better.” 

A third type of protective gear — pads — are good for protecting players’ shoulders, knees, and more. Football players’ shoulders, knees and many more bones would be broken without football pads. Football pads are made of strung-on tight webbing and, on impact, distribute the shock through a larger pad that protects against injury. All football players need to wear pads. The thickness and type of pads may vary depending on the position played. For example, quarterbacks, place kickers, and punters generally use lightweight shoulder pads that stay in place and don’t affect line of sight or head movement while other players may go with heavier pads which stay in place after taking a big hit. Pads and protection that should be worn include shoulder pads, collar pads, hip pads, thigh pads, knee pads, neck rolls, athletic supporters, rib pads, forearm pads, and tailbone pads. It can be tempting for a player to avoid certain pads in an attempt to be lighter or more flexible, but they won’t be a very good player if they are on the sidelines injured. Shoulder pads protect players by absorbing some of the energy of an impact through deformation of the exterior shell, while at the distributing the energy through a larger area so there is less pressure at the point of impact.  The weight of the shoulder pads and level of protection often varies by position group. According to Vito Contento, shoulder pads are the most important type of padding a football player should use. He said, “We worry about the shoulder pads. Those are the things that really matter the most because not many football players use their chest as much as their shoulders, and when they fall it’s mostly on the shoulder not their chest and that really hurts the football players. Also rim protectors are also very helpful for shoulder pads because they cover around/near their shoulders which really helps them and some rib protectors are on their shoulders.” While Vito thinks shoulder pads are most important he thinks all pads are necessary. As Vito added, “You should put every single pad possible on yourself because the more protection the better. ” Most people don’t wear hip pads so Vito says that “no one ever asked him for hip pads and he thinks that’s not very good because every single part of your body should be protected and you want as much padding as possible.”  Can football pads be improved? Yes. The design of football pads can be improved. For example, it should weigh less so that a player can still run fast without being weighed down by the protective padding. 

In conclusion, football gear protects a football player because helmets protect the head, chest protectors protect the chest, and pads protect shoulders, knees, and more.  Football gear can be improved in many ways. Helmets can be improved by adding harder shells which will deflect the power of a hit, but improved padding is what will protect a player’s head. So padding is the only way to keep NFL players from having concussions and head injuries. Their design can be improved by adding more padding but padding should weigh less so that a player can run faster and be more protected.  Lots of people think knee pads interfered with the player’s running and movements. Chest protectors can be improved by adding more padding and some stronger outer protection. Understanding how football gear is designed to protect players is an important subject. Padding can be improved by adding more padding but makking it weigh less. I learned that while football teams don’t make football gear, they can and do push the football gear companies to make better football gear. 


It took so long and hope that you liked it alot. Here is my final project under neath it is a wevideo.

Capstone Blog 2

When I was looking for my interview my teacher Ms.Edwards found someone who I can intervew. His name was Vito Contento. Vito is the New York Jets Equiment manger. A equiment manger is someone who cleans the players clothes and make and finds the best football gear. I knew that Vito could help me because I searched him up and he knows alot about football gear.  I love the New York Jets, They are my favorite football team. I really wanted to interview him.  When he responded I was so happy because he said yes. My interview was very helpful to my reseach.

Vito helped me with many things like a few of my sub qustion. The sub qustion he helped me with was How can Football helmet be improved?, How can Football chest protector be improved? and How can Football pads be improved? The thing he help the most was, was the football pads. Vito told me many things, But this part helped alot and it was very intersting to me is That they let the helmet companies fight against each other for the better helmet so they’re how much can be better. They mostly try to push their industry on so they make better helmet and they can protect their players better.  He also said that we only try to keep the player safe from injuries.” I think that was very intresting because I thought that they made football gear but they mostly let the companys do the work and incorige the companys to make the gear better.

To protect there football players which makes them not get as many injerys. Vito also said that ” Most Football players don’t like to use football pads because they run slower” But i thiink that it matters about how fast you run but what matters more is protection. So I think that we should focus on safey not abliaty.

Rude Goldberg blog 1

It was very hard setting up the dominos, they kept on falling. I was geting so angry but i finally got it but i still did not succeed yet. I tried it 5 times,  and it keeps on getting stuck at the turns. It is very hard but, if i make the turn i think i can do it. I think that this project is going to be very fun.

Reflection on Immigration WeVideo

My goal was to make the video good by telling details and telling people about Karla Merlo’s life. The process of making this video was a litte hard because I had a lot to put together. For example organizing the wevideo, time and pictures  was tricky for me. I enjoyed doing the voice and the WeVideo. I am very satisfied with my work, I worked very hard.


My WeVideo On Karla Merlo

Constitution Project Reflection

It was very fun to do the WeVideo. This is an awesome project. My qustion is “Why was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 important to the Civil Rights Movement?”. The Civil right act of 1964 was importent to the Civil Rights Movement because Overall it gave black people rights. I awsered the qustion by I researched.


My WeVideo is linked here.

U.S Constitution Project Research Topic and Question

I chose John F. Kennedy and the Civil rights movment because I think John F. Kennedy was a good president. “My research question is Why Was the Civil Rights Act of 1964 important to the Civil Rights Movement?” I chose this question because I wanted to know how John F. Kennedy helped the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Who I Want to be President 2020

I want Joe Bieden to be the 2020 president because he want to upgrade the ACA  by making  the goverment incharge not a private insurance company. He says he is going to also make a new building for the ACA.

Joe Bieden thinks that we should go back to work as soon as possible but in a safe way he does not want the virus to spread he thinks the safer the better.

I agree with this all because if we open things to quickly then the virus would spread more. The healthcare can not be getting taken down by trump the health care business matters alot so if we upgrate it. It will be a lot better.

That is why I would vote for Joe Bieden if I could vote.

This is my passion project about skiing. i worked very hard on it so i hope you get inspired about skiing. i chose skiing because it is one of my favorite sports so i hope you enjoy.

i hope you like my passion project about skiing.