I think student rights are really important because they prevent kids from doing anything dangerous or hurtful to themselves or others. Student rights are also important because without them how would we all be educated. Another reason why I think student rights are important is because maybe someone is keeping illegal items in there backpack or locker and the right for teachers to search through your things wasn’t a right, then that student would get away with having illegal items or a cheat-sheet with them and the teachers wouldn’t know for sure without checking the students things.

Private schools can set more restrictive rules than public schools because they aren’t funded or run by the state. In almost every state private school teachers can discipline students with corporal punishment or physical force while less than half the states allow this in public schools. Students and parents may disagree with the school policies, and can sue if they feel their rights have been violated.

Rarely, when the law isn’t settled or clear, the case will go way up to the Supreme Court. For example, in the 60’s, students from Iowa wore black armbands to protest the Vietnam War. Their school suspended them and their parents sued, so the case went to the Supreme court.

In a different case, the Court ruled that public schools can’t force you to say anything you don’t want to say like the Pledge of Allegiance, but the teachers can punish you for saying any inappropriate words at school.

Some of the rights are the same for both adults and children. For example, police anyone at anytime as long as they have a good reason to suspect that someone is breaking the law. It’s the same at school with children. The principal or the teachers can look through your locker or backpack if they think you’re keeping anything prohibited from school grounds, like a cheat-sheet, dangerous weapons, or drugs.

One thought on “Student rights

  1. I really like your essay and i agree with what you said. I like how a lot of your information came from brain pop, but i think your essay needs a few more opinions about the stuff your talking about.

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