Comparing Rocket Launch Data

Today we graphed our rocketry launches and  apparently our first launch went higher than the second launch. According to the data the first launch launched two meters higher than the second launch. It turned out for most groups water and air made their rocket launch higher. You only put 90 psi in and 200 millimeters of water. For us that wasn’t the case. It worked better with just air. We had also made changes with the body so maybe it had something to do with the body itself. We had also 3-D printed a new nose cone.
Two of Newtons laws applied with the final part of the unit. Law 3 is “For every action there is an equal and opposite  reaction”.  This relates to rocketry because the air pressure inside the rocket pushes down when the rocket is released and that causes the rocket to go up.  Law  2 is “The acceleration of an object is related to the strength of an applied force, the direction of that force, and the weight of the object.”  This relates to rocketry because the more force (air pressure and water) the higher the rocket will launch. 

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