Technology 7 week 3

This week, we started to make measurements on a plank of wood, then cutting it according to our dimensions. We either used a saw or a mitorbox saw to cut our wood. My top was supposed to be way bigger than I needed it to be, but the difference from my height was 1 inch.  For measuring, we used a ruler to first make a mark on where we want our line to be, then we used a T-square to make our lines as straight as possible, using the 90˚ angle which the tool has. I think this week was a little difficult, because when we made our dimension and messed it up, our box would not work, for some pieces would be either to small or too big to be used. Next week, I plant on sanding my pieces of wood to make it less rough, and then we will glue our pieces together. I really enjoy Technology so far, the project is very interesting and engaging, I also like learning about new tools and how to use them.

Technology 7 week 2

This second week, we started to do more activities and we were introduced to a tool and how to use it. I am starting to be more engaged into the class activities, because there was something I could do and it found it interesting. The first required assignment that I worked on, was making a design on Tinkercad that included your name in it, like a name tag. I forgot to finish the activity the first week, but for my  name tag I didn’t put in a lot of effort but I made sure to make something that satisfied me enough.

The main activity, or probably the most important activity this week, was when we worked on our box plan. I found a little difficulty making the design, and thinking what I was going to do, but I eventually found a design that I wanted and I was able to start my design. The design on paper looked simple, but it was a little difficult to make it for you had to put in a lot of thought to make sure you box would work. Also, you had to be careful that the box wasn’t small enough to the point were you had less than 1/2 an inch of space for an item to be put into the box. I think this activity was important, because if you didn’t do this correctly, it could mess up your whole box.

The last activity that we did on Friday, Ms.Giroux  introduced us to a simple tool called a hand planer. The hand planer was used to smooth out the surface of a piece of wood, and to make sure all of the sides are even and not slanted.

Technology 7 Week 1 post


So far in tech, we have gone over some safety rules, some things we will do, and an activity  that required for us to get a screw into a piece of wood. During this activity it was very easy to get the screw in as well as out, and it was even easier when we used the vise as a third hand to hold the wood in place when I was screwing in the screw. At first I did have a little difficulty keeping the block of wood stable, but I eventually found a solution as well as many others to make things easier for us. The awls I realized had a sharp point, which is why its purpose is different from a screwdriver if though it looks similar to one. Also, I did realize how some of the screwdrivers were actually magnetic to the screws, which was sort of entertaining to find out. The screw that we had to get in were easier to get in if they were smaller, but if they were larger it was a little more difficult to get in. Some of the screws that were really long, were actually a little thin but despite their small size in width, the fact that the screw is very long requires for more effort to be put into getting it in. The pieces of wood we used, some of them were really thick and hard, when some were thin and it was easier to get a screw in for those pieces of wood. The wood that was thick and hard, it took a little longer to get the screw in and out, but I found a way that made rotating the screw quicker and more efficient, that made it not as difficult as I though it would be. To get the screw in was a little harder, as we had to get the screw in before we had to start, when we took it out it was easier for we just had to rotate the screw to the left.