Monday, April 20th

See you today at 10:00 for our Zoom class where we will check in with one another, Mrs. de La Garza will talk to us about poetry and Mr. Casal will unveil something exciting.

You will also have two additional Zooms today. Check your Zoom document in your S.S. folder.

  • Music: 11:30
  • Spanish 2:20

All specials’ pages can be found here: Heathcote Gateway E-Learning Plans

Ms. Bescherer’s Google Classroom Code: aozsbjq

Questions? E-Learning Questions Padlet


Log in to Pearson Realize

Check out your new words. I will meet with some groups today at our Zoom to talk about the spelling rules for this week, so if you get started and are having trouble, hold off until our class.


Please complete 30 minutes of independent reading. If you would like, check out  Storyworks, Scholastic News, Epic and True Flix on the library databases. Please try to include at least 10 minutes of poetry reading as part of your reading time for today.

eLa- Poetry: haiku

Today you will be learning about a form of traditional Japanese poetry called, haiku. After you watch the video please explore haiku poetry written by children and try your hand at writing haiku yourself. Be sure to publish your poetry on Seesaw and read it aloud for us to hear. Can’t wait to see your haiku!

Syllable Finder: This is a handy website that can help you figure out how many syllables are in the word you want to use in your haiku poem.

math- Converting g to kg

In this lesson, you will learn how to convert a mass that is measured in both kilogram and gram units to only gram units. You will also learn how to convert a mass that is measured in only gram units to include both kilograms and grams.

Workbook pages 18-20

Science- Tracking the weather

Last week you were asked to read, “Tracking The Weather”, on Epic. If you did not do this, click on your mailbox to see the books I’ve shared with you. There is a collection of weather books. Read the book “Tracking The Weather.” 

Use this book to help you complete this graphic organizer on Weather Instruments (TO PRINT)

 **I put a Weather Instruments graphic organizer in your Science Folders if you want to edit with Kami. Your edited version will be automatically saved in the same folder.**

Need help with Kami? Check out the tutorial Mr. Casal created on the Heathcote Tech blog: Kami-PDF Extension


  • Words Their Way-Due Friday
  • Read and Write Haiku poetry
  • Read 30 mins (“Tracking the Weather” can be included in this)
  • Math Workbook pages 18-20 
  • Re-read or finish reading “Tracking the Weather” in Epic
  • Fill out Weather Instruments Graphic organizer
    • Share on your E-Learning Slideshow, Seesaw or if you use Kami, Kami will save it in your Science folder 

Thursday, April 16th

You have a Zoom session with Ms. Sorensen at 2:00 today.  Check your Zoom document for that link, as well as an e-mail your parents have received.

All specials’ pages can be found here: Heathcote Gateway E-Learning Plans

Questions? E-Learning Questions Padlet


Log in to Pearson Realize. Continue to work on the activities for this week’s words. If you are done, you are welcome to “Turn in All.”


Please complete 30 minutes of independent reading. If you would like, check out  Storyworks, Scholastic News, Epic and True Flix on the library databases. Please try to include at least 10 minutes of poetry reading as part of your reading time for today.

ELA- POETRY: onomatopoeia

Watch the video below to hear about using onomatopoeia in a poem to create a sensory image. Then click to explore onomatopoeia poems that use this technique, and try writing some onomatopoeia poems of your own! Take a picture of it and record yourself reading it on Seesaw.

Poetry Websites:

math- word problems using grams

This is a lesson on word problems using gram units. You will be expected to draw a bar model, label it correctly with all parts (known and unknown information) and then solve for it. The examples are provided for you in the lesson and then one problem from your workbook pages is solved so you know what is expected. **Due by the end of Friday**

Question #9 is solved using long division. (We have not taught this yet.) You can try it if you would like, but if it is too difficult, please skip. 

Workbook pages 15-16 Slides 

Workbook pages 15-16 to be printed

  • Complete your weather journal for today using one of these websites: Wunderground and  News 12
  • Reading on Epic:  If you haven’t logged on to Epic yet, please follow these directions and do so now. Go to and use the code xdl6883
    • Click on your mailbox to see the books I’ve shared with you. Read the book “Tracking The Weather” – Read carefully and take notes on new words/phrases; surprising facts; questions you still have; wonderings. You should record these notes in the science section of your E-Learning Slides.  


On this day in the year 1972, NASA launched the Apollo 16 Spacecraft from Cape Canaveral, Florida. It was the fifth mission to land men on the moon and return them to Earth. If you are interested in learning more about space, check out NASA Kids Club. You won’t be disappointed!  


  • Words Their Way-Due Friday
  • Write a poem using onomatopoeia and share on Seesaw
  • Read from Epic Poetry Collection
  • Math Workbook pages 15-16 **Due at the end of the day Friday**
  • Read from Epic Weather Collection and take notes- “Tracking the Weather”
  • Fill in Weather Journal for Thursday
  • Check out NASA KIDS CLUB



Wednesday, April 15th

We have a Zoom session today at 10:00. Check your Zoom document for that link. If you have any questions for me about today’s work, I can help you then.

All specials’ pages can be found here: Heathcote Gateway E-Learning Plans

Questions? E-Learning Questions Padlet


Log in to Pearson Realize. Continue to work on the activities for this week’s words.

Cursive- G and S

Watch the two tutorials on how to write a capital G and S. Then complete the cursive practice by printing out the pages and showing me in your April E-Learning Slideshow.

ELA- POETRY: alliteration

Your rhyming poems from yesterday were AMAZING! Today, watch the video below to hear about using alliteration in a poem to create rhythm. Then try to find some poems that use this technique, and try writing some alliteration poems of your own! Take a picture of it and record yourself reading it on Seesaw.

Poetry Websites:

math- Grams

science- Forecasting Weather Continued: We will discuss at our zoom @ 10:00

  1. Continue recording the weather in your weather journal. Either print out the journal from your science folder or use this link (Weather Journal) to do it digitally. Your choice!
  2. Read the headings “The Daily Forecast” and “The Importance of Weather Forecasts” in the PebbleGo Next article that you started yesterday: Forecasting Weather. (If this link does not work for you, try going to the library databases, clicking on PebbleGo Next and searching, “Forecasting Weather” to get to the article.)
  3. Scientists collect data and use sophisticated equipment to predict the weather. Read this to learn how animal behaviors and nature can be good predictors of weather too! National Geographic for Kids: Predict the Weather
  4. Complete the Stop and Think questions. Copy and paste the last three slides into the Science section of your April E-Learning Slideshow and answer the questions using details from your reading.


  • Words Their Way-Due Friday
  • Cursive Practice
  • Write a poem using alliteration and share on Seesaw
  • Math Workbook pages 13-14
  • Read Pebble Go Next article and National Geographic article (This can count as your 30 minutes of reading, if you would like.)
  • Complete 3 Stop and Think questions
  • Fill in Weather Journal for Wednesday