Monday, May 18th

Today’s Zooms: Please check your S.S. folder for the new Zoom schedule for this week.

  • 10:00: 3M Zoom
  • 2:00 Spanish
  • 2:30 Library

You have a new May E-Learning Slideshow in your S.S. Folder. It is a purple themed slideshow and covers the next two weeks.

All specials’ pages can be found here: Heathcote Gateway E-Learning Plans

Questions? E-Learning Questions Padlet

reading: book clubs

Today during your break out session, you will be discussing your book choice and make a plan for your reading for the week.  As a club, we have to remind ourselves of our responsibilities to our book club partners:

  • Make sure you create a clear plan of reading assignments. During our class zoom we will be doing breakout rooms. You can schedule your reading assignments at our class time.
  • Work hard to complete the Padlet posts, writing thoughtful jots that reflect your deep thinking around fantasy. You will write your initials and the date. 
    Book Club #1 Padlet
    Book Club # 2 Padlet
    Book Club #3 Padlet
    Book Club #4 Padlet
    Book Club #5 Padlet
  • And MOST IMPORTANTLY: you are a positive participant throughout the book club experience. You practice:
    • Communicating with your book group about assigned reading
    • Good active listening skills
    • Complete your assignments, which include the assigned reading, no more and no less
    • Engage in positive book discussions
    • HAVE FUN!
writing: Fantasy

Famous authors engage in a process of Brainstorming and Collecting Ideas. That’s what today’s work is all about. While you may have a certain character or storyline in mind, it’s important that you continue to collect new ideas before settling on the final one. Today you will be using two graphic organizers focused on characters and settings. These will help you to stretch your creative muscles and formulate new ideas that will be collected in a notebook. 

First, watch this overview video and you will learn how important Brainstorming is to writing your best story.  

In your Writing folder on Drive you have the graphic organizers that Ms. Boyer’s mentions, as well as the Digital Notebook. To record your ideas for the day, please copy and paste from those slides into your own E-Learning Slideshow or print using this link: Graphic Organizers to print

If you prefer to record your ideas on Seesaw, there is an assignment for you called, “Fantasy Brainstorm 5/18.” You can record your ideas there if you would like.

Math: Telling time

Today you will practice reading an analog clock to the hour and to 1 minute.  Watch the video to learn different ways to read an analog clock.  Maybe you can go outside today and draw a clock using sidewalk chalk.  Can you make your clock into quarters?

CHALLENGE: Try all 3 different activities today (hop, run around your house, sit without talking) to feel how long 1 minute is.  Set a timer to 1 minute to help you. Was 1 minute longer than you expected?

Workbook Pages to complete:

Extra Ways to Practice Time 🙂 

  • Have fun and practice different times by looking at an analog clock and digital clock
  • Have fun playing this game with a sibling or family member. The game focuses on reading analog clocks to the hour and half hour.  You will need a die and 2 game pieces to play.
  • Here is a printable analog clock to help you understand the different parts of a clock:

Extra Time Games 🙂

social studies: primary source scavenger hunt

  • Today you will be investigating a text called, “Using Primary Sources” that has been assigned to you on Epic. Take your time, enjoy the book and along the way study the different types of primary sources that are explained to you.
  • When you are finished with the text, go back into it and go on a primary source scavenger hunt! Using the chart provided on Seesaw and on Slides, fill out as many spaces you can, determining whether the primary source you found was a photograph, document or artifact. Then answer the question, “Which one of these primary sources would you most like to see in real life and why?”

Slides to copy into your own slideshow if you don’t want to do it on Seesaw: Slides to Copy

Fill out the chart using this Seesaw assignment or by copying and pasting the slides into your new May E-Learning Slideshow.


smart Fact

On this day in 1980 Mount St. Helens located in the Cascade Range in Washington State,  erupted and blasted 1,300 ft off it’s top that sent hot mud, gas and ashes running down it’s slopes. The explosion sent plumes of dark gray ash some 60,000 feet in the air which blocked out the rays from the sun making it seem like night over eastern Washington. Learn more about molten rock and lava by watching this brief video.


  • ELA
    • Book Clubs (All of this will be discussed at our Zoom today)
      • Continue reading your fiction book or start a new Fantasy text with your group
      • Jot in as many of the categories that you can on the Book Club Group Padlet 
        • Write your initials and the date on each jot
    • Fantasy Writing  
      • Watch, What is Imaginative Writing? Video 2
      • Brainstorm using the graphic organizers for character and setting to start collecting ideas
      • Show your ideas either on the new May E-Learning Slideshow or on Seesaw
  • Math
    • Watch the video on Time to learn different ways to read an analog clock
    • Hop, run around your house, sit without talking with a timer to see how long 1 minute feels
    • Practice and explore with the extra time resources today
    • Complete workbook pages 115-116
  • Social Studies 
    • Watch the lesson on Using Primary Sources
    • Read the book “Using Primary Sources” assigned to you in Epic
    • Either complete the activity using Seesaw OR copying and pasting the slides to your May E~Learning Slideshow