Tech this year 🥰

I loved 6th grade tech! It was so fun being able to build cuircuts, simple machines, beams and more! I think my favorite project had to be the breadboard circuit. It was so cool to see it light up and learn that this boxy thing could conduct a circuit! thanks so much for an amazing Read More…

The new iOS update

There is a new iOS update, the 14!!! There are many cool new things that you can do with it but the one I will be talking about today is my favorite on, shortcuts! shortcuts is an app that allow the front cover of an app to look different. What i mean by that is Read More…

The super battery

People all over the world are trying to get a “super battery” they are trying to get one because of golden worming, burning focal fuels and gasoline are bade. The best battery they have so far is the battery in your phone but they can also be dangerous. Lithium battery’s are Dangeris because I over Read More…

Dyslexia Scans

There are many ways to diagnose dyslexia, one way is to take a scan. The scan happens when the person is reading or writing or doing something that triggers Brain activity. If there’s not a lot of brain activity or brain activity in certain parts of the brain that is a way to know someone Read More…

F L E 1 2 3

this week we learned about fle 123. That is a way of telling what type of leaver a leaver is. the f stands for Fulcrum this is the spot where the Leaver rests. The l stands for load and the e stands for effort. Whichever one of these letters is in the middle is the Read More…