Answering My Main Inquiry Question

Hi my name is Logan and I did my Capstone topic on Virtual Reality, I was already very interested in this topic but I wanted to learn a lot more. And that sent me into my research and I learned a lot overall and I had to put it into an essay and that became my script and then I had to make slides for the Ted talk that I was doing. Here is my essay

Do you love video games? Lots of kids do! I do too! Today I will be talking about a different purpose of virtual reality. My main inquiry question is how has VR changed from an entertainment purpose to a next step in the future. You will be learning about What is VR and its evolution, Why could VR be important in the future, How could VR assist police officers, Why is there negative opinions on VR, and Why could it is essential that gov’t officials use VR. So let’s dive in.

In 1938 a book was written by Antonin Artaud about technology and trying to make VR. Then VR was invented in 1968 by Ivan Sutherland then in 1991, the first game was called Virtuality. The game had very few pixels and was hard to play if you could travel back in time. But people back then thought that was the best they were ever going to get. And that got lots of people hooked on VR technology. Then in 2014 something very big happened oculus got bought by Facebook. And people then knew that VR was legitimate.

VR is very important to kids right now because they like playing video games. But people need to start thinking ahead. The future. It seems so bright. VR is not just for kids. Almost 60% of kids in America play it, but a whopping 27% of Policemen train with VR* (according to a survey). Also, astronauts use VR to use different technologies and different ways for rockets to land and get on mars. Now I am not taking VR from kids away too. Also, VR can affect the world by helping with headsets. VR can assist in such as dining, Nursing, and Media, Reporting stories will help dramatically. Education, Entertainment purposes such as sports, video games. Architecture, Culture. With VR you can go anywhere in the world you want which is why it is so great.

 According Ezra Krausz who I interviewed, he said and Callum Moates both said “ Through VR we are able to jump into situations which would otherwise be impossible to re-enact in a classroom, with Covid many things have happened. You could jump to Mach Pichu, Perform Surgery or carry out a science experiment learning is our best way of retaining information which is why virtual reality is a great solution to improve education from Zagreb Croatia to Tokyo Japan Buenos Aires Argentina, VR is a great use everywhere.” This is important because it shows that right now in COVID we can go to places that would otherwise be impossible to reach.

.VR is critical to policemen because it will help policemen in the future because they can wear the headset which will help will help with the vision for VR. VR has an expanded vision which will help because it is better than regular eyesight. This will help them catch criminals. but what about policemen. Police officers train with Vr to see what will happen if they do different situations. Policemen can see what they do good and bad. Ezra says that policemen get encouraged when they try something new and it works. They get a lot more confidence

VR has a screen on it which makes parents feel unsafe about it. VR has games parents don’t feel safe with. VR seems unhealthy. VR has different experiences. VR may have inappropriate music or quests. Virtual Reality name sounds bad to parents because they think their kid is going to another reality. VR is a different type of electronic and it is always being updated. The brain rhythms are different. This indicates that VR has different uses. Parents feel like VR is taking away the active side of their children. 

VR is very misunderstood here is why VR can help treat Alzheimer’s. And help them remember more Another good side is that kids can have an escape if something bad is happening to them which makes them feel more comfortable. Also, VR seems bad at looking at a screen but if you are on your phone all the time and that is a screen.

At first, it looks like a video game. But it is more than just a video game. It puts you in a real-life situation in VR to help you figure out what you can do. Next-gen technology is a big step in our future, but what about policemen. Police officers train with Vr to see what will happen if they do different situations. But the court can also use it to show what the crime was and evidence of the crime on a little screen. VR is a much safer part of the world Ezra Krausz from V/Armed says. Policemen can see what they do good and bad. Ezra says that policemen get encouraged when they try something new and it works. They get a lot more confidence


Capstone blog post #2

Hi, I am Logan, and today I will be telling you about my capstone experience. I had to do an interview and I felt very comfortable because I felt like I could ask him any question I wanted and it was a lot better.

My process of knowing who to interview was pretty easy because a VR expert replied to one of her tweets and we knew each other mildly so I felt very comfortable. But he was an excellent help and use of my time because he helped me with a lot of research. My process of writing the questions was to get to know your questions. Then VR questions and sub-questions.

First of all, I never knew VR could be such an exciting topic. When we scheduled the interview two bad things happened. One, I had a huge bloody nose and it took 10 mins to stop. But the worst part was…..  He did not show up. I was annoyed but I also knew it was mothers day so I could not expect anything.


Overall the interview was a very fun topic to ask someone about and it was very fun to do.


Capstone Blog Post #1

Hi, I am Logan and today I will be telling you about Capstone. Capstone is a project and you pick a topic you are very interested in. And then you have to make Questions that fit with your topic. Get someone to interview and do research. I think Capstone so far is a bit annoying a bit fun and a bit stressful

My process was a little strange. While I was trying to think of a topic with my mom, my brother asked “Mom, can I play VR.” And all of a sudden I realized that VR was a great topic for capstone I was interested in and excited to do research

Overall my Capstone process has been very fun!

Immigration Blog Post #2

In this project, me and my classmates had to interview someone who immigrated here from a different country. I chose my soccer coach, his name is Danillo B Andrade. He immigrated here from Brazil. And I had to make a video about him.

Creating the video was hard because it took a lot of time. But I knew that Danillo spent a lot of time thinking and conducting his answers to me in ways that he knew would appreciate.  So I needed to make a video that took a long time for Danillo. He gave me great answers and pictures which helped because  I knew I could incorporate them into the video.

I learned that good things take lots of stress, hard work, and time Because I made a lot of mistakes and I knew I had to keep going to make Danillo proud. Danillo seemed happy to talk about it. I think that he wanted someone to talk to his moving experience because he had not talked about it in a long time.

Overall this project was really fun and I would love to do it again


Immigration Blog post

Hello, my name is Logan, and today I will be talking about my process of interviewing Danillo Andrade who came from Brazil and tried to find new land. I will tell you about it.

When I started interviewing him it was challenging because we got off topic with Soccer and other stuff and was really funny. The one time we finally got a good interview my footage cut off halfway so it was very hard. But we finally did it. Some of my questions were, What are you planning to do in your future. Did you like your traveling experience? I considered when I made my questions, I considered getting the most out of him like squeezing a lemon until you got enough juice.

When I got on the call with him it was weird because I had never done anything like this. So it was pretty hard. I learned that always make sure you record because I forgot to record once. My interview was conducted through email, I sent the questions to him and said when he could be available to do the interview, I got a time on Mar 26, 2022, and finally got time with him. He gave me some good evidence to get and was very good for me to get it.

Overall this was a very fun experience and I would love to do it again.


Rube Goldberg blog post #2

Hi, today I will be telling you about my Rube Goldberg project. This project is something that is made with enough force to push one thing to another.  There were a lot of things challenging me over this process but the most frustrating was setting up blocks and making sure that it could curve enough. The process was really hard because at first, I thought everything would go to plan. But on second thought I saw that I would have to change my steps like instead of using keva planks to turn the marble around you would have to figure out a scientific way to do it. and make sure that the process would work and my steps would go through each step once having 8 steps in total was very hard to do. The first sketch was really hard because I knew what my ultimate task was but I did not know what was in between to make the machine work. Testing the machine was really difficult because you had to be ruthless and make sure you could be beaten and your project could not work, but you have to keep going.

I hated rebuilding my project because my project had a lot of dominos in it so it was rough constantly rebuilding my project even though it only took 7 tries. Also my dog Kepa wrecked all of my builds so I had to rebuild a lot of times. Also My dog pooped in where I was originally thinking of making my project in so that was frustrating.

some of my resources were. Hevesh5 for cool domino designs and Rube Goldberg designs. Guiness World Record longest Rube Goldberg machine that helped me gain ideas of what I could make and see where I could “Relocate” my new space. You might be wondering why both of these videos helped, Right? Well they both helped for giving me ideas of what I could make my machine. And what I don’t have to do.

Overall, this project was really fun because there was a lot of stuff I learned about science in this project. Also it was helpful because my brother wants to be an engineer when he grows up so he helped me a l0t.




Rube Goldberg Reflection #1

Hi, today I will be telling you about my Rube Goldberg project. This project is something that is made with enough force to push one thing to another.  There were a lot of things challenging me over this process but the most frustrating was setting up blocks and making sure that it could curve enough.

The process was really hard because at first, I thought everything would go to plan. But on second thought I saw that I would have to change my steps like instead of using keva planks to turn the marble around you would have to figure out a scientific way to do it. and make sure that the process would work and my steps would go through each step once having 8 steps in total was very hard to do. The first sketch was really hard because I knew what my ultimate task was but I did not know what was in between to make the machine work. Testing the machine was really difficult because you had to be ruthless and make sure you could be beaten and your project could not work, but you have to keep going.

Another hard thing was getting materials. We did not have many materials in our house so we had to wait a week to get the materials I needed.  Once I got the materials I could make my Rube Goldberg!

Overall I thought this project was hard with all of the steps and different machines going ad transforming nothing into something, and the energy is transformed. This project was fun too though because you got to use a lot of materials you wouldn’t normally use.


Feature Article Reflection

Hi, I’m Logan, and today I will be telling you about my Awesome experience with my Feature Article. The first thing I had to do was come up with a topic. I was debating between a couple of topics. The ones in the running were Dogs, The Myth of Christmas, Cooking, and Baking, or Soccer. Overall I thought I had an easy decision but when I thought about it more and more the harder it got. I chose Soccer because it was my favorite sport and I knew a lot about it. So now that was done my next step was choosing my message!

Choosing the message was my least favorite part of the unit. Because there was so little I could think about that could get 3-6 categories. It was like picking a needle in a haystack and I kept finding little needles but not the big one I needed. Finally, I found the message I wanted to choose. It was how Soccer evolved. I tried that out and it seemed to fit in perfectly like a puzzle piece. So now that was done I had some other steps.


After I drafted my article, I spent a lot of time revising it to make it better.  I think I included examples very well in my piece of work. I believe that if someone would read my article they would get it and be very happy because they found an article that explains soccer and other facts and myths you might not have heard of. So I felt like I did that well but another thing I did well was being of making the reader get into my article and make them read more by my lead and pulling sentinces and the beginning like Well get ready to hear some of the best Soccer feedback in the world! 

I liked formatting because I already had a lot of ideas for pictures, diagrams, and words to know. So when Ms. Cooper said we had to do it. I was all ears and of to the races. I had to make sure that people understood what I was trying to say and what my message was so I put captions underneath the pictures trying to show what I was talking about. I also liked formatting because I got to include some of my friends to help me change stuff that did not seem right

Overall I was very proud of my article and I can not wait to do this again.

Reading Timeline

I have been working on a reading timeline for the past couple of weeks. I started off by taping two pieces of paper together. then I went on to a google doc and started thinking of what books I should use. I started thinking of the old books that I used to use. I went home found a couple of books and brought the books into school and created a timeline. After that, we started gluing the book covers to our timeline. After that, we had to write a summary of our books. Then we went around looking at other people’s Timelines. My favorite thing was that you got to be creative and make your own book covers. My least favorite part was that when you had to make your summary because I was like, this is boring. But now I get why I had to make it! Some of my favorite books were Front Desk, Number the Stars Illegal, and The Book with No Pictures and Dragons Love Tacos! Overall this was one of my favorite projects.




Personal Narrative Reflection


Super Soccer Day was one of my favorite personal narratives I have ever done.  

For me, editing and revising was one of my least favorite parts of this process because it takes a lot of time to make sure everything is spelled correctly and punctuation is in the correct place.  I really enjoyed using Google docs because it helped me spell words correctly and that all the grammar was correct.