Capstone #2 – Choosing a Main Inquiry Question and Sub Questions

We were told to come up with a main inquiry question. The goal of the entire Capstone project is not to put random bits of information together, but to answer the main inquiry question. Personally my main inquiry question is: What is the history of the Syrian refugee crisis, how has it impacted the children and involved what can people do to help? My first inquiry question was too political for school because I could have offended someone else with different beliefs.

We were also told to come up with 5 sub questions, sub questions are follow up questions that help to answer the main inquiry question, and I came up with 5 so here they are:

  1. What caused the Syrian War?
  2. What are the most important events of the refugee crisis?
  3. What are some stories of the children that have been affected by the war?
  4. What countries and humanitarian groups have helped refugees the most? How?
  5. What can people do to help refugees?