
My class has been working hard on researching Isaac Newton and have now started on making water rockets. We are are using all different kinds of material. Cardboard, styrofoam, duck tape and bottles etc. We are hoping to launch our rockets on the 23 of October. We have also taken our Isaac Newton research and made it into a timeline of his life. I have also been looking forward to the things that we will do later in science.

We could be doing anything from making a moving robot to a fan but right now we have finished our Isaac Newton Infographic and working on our final touches on our rocket and ready to launch in a week. You might be thinking how we would get the rocket to launch we are using a bike pump, a launch pad and a rope that makes the rocket get out from the metal bars that are holding it in place. Together it looks like the picture at the bottom and that is how our rockets are going to launch. Stay on my blog for more science.

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