Hawaii Volcano National Park

When I went to HAWAII I went to Volcano National Park. When I got there I was excited! The first thing I saw was the volcano. The second thing I saw was the smoke from the lava tube.

I said, ‘’It smelled like rotten eggs.’’ I did not like that part because it smelled gross yuck!

After that I saw some dry lava, it was awesome!After that I drove to the lava tube it was in the rain forest. Being in the lava tube was cool because the lava formed this tube which is a tunnel. The bad part was that the lights were not working . I also saw the hole from the volcano but the hole was not open .

Then I went to more parts of the park. I ate lunch then I got back to roll. Next I went to see the lava sea arch it was made of dry lava. On that night I went to see the lava glow. It looked like a sunset but much better.There was one person there that sang to the volcano and it was beautiful.

‘’I’ve never seen a place like this before. Thank you mom and dad so much for taking me here.’’

“No problem L.”

I really liked the part when you walked across the lava field.

“What’s the next place you want to go L?”

“The Statue of Liberty Dad.  What about you Mom?’’

“Australia to visit our friends.’’