December 14

Room 2 Update

Our high school buddies plan to make a big toy cart with basketball hoops that are different sizes and a lot of shelves that are a lot stronger than wood because the shelves will need to be strong because there are a lot of games that will need to be held on them. We need to move all the toys because the radiator is to hot and when little kids go for the toys they might burn their hands.

We helped them by giving them good suggestions , and thumbs up and thumbs down about their ideas/ prototype.

The challenges were that there was bad connection and we overcame it by listening more carefully and trying to understand them.

— Evie, Sergey, Victor, Sophia

November 30

Room 2

For Room 2, the teacher needs to be able to use the wall to organize all of the toys in order for the whole room to be used efficiently. We thought of fifty ideas and chose three different ideas to prototype. One of the ideas was to have different sized shelves on the wall which have white boards on the front so the shelves are interactive and you can write what is on each shelves. This idea makes it easy to find the toys and separates them by different uses. Would the whiteboards be distracting and would it be better to have a chalkboard instead of a whiteboard? The second idea was to have a collapsible shelf so that it can be used when needed and can be put away when it is not being used. The shelf is easy to use by hooking and unhooking the clasp from the hook. Would the collapsible shelf be too difficult in the classroom space and are there any suggestions of how to simplify the collapsing process? Lastly, we had an idea to make an interactive wall where the kids can measure themselves on the wall and can play with the fur spots on the wall. Additionally, the toys can be organized on to the wall by pulling tight strings and putting the toys under or by using baskets on the wall. Would this be too distracting in the classroom or are there any other features that would be preferable to add to the interactive wall? To sort through our ideas, could you ask the teacher if the storage problem with the toys was also an issue for the teacher and if they had any preferences that should be considered?

November 21

Thinking About Prototyping

Hi High School buddies! How’s the project going? Have you made any prototypes yet? We sketched out our ideas for possible solutions in the Edgewood spaces. You can take a look at our drawings in this folder. We are going to try to make prototypes soon. We’re thinking of making our models out of cardstock or using Tinkercad to design 3D models. We’re looking forward to seeing your ideas. Good luck with your work!