Maile's Blog

Life does not need to be perfect to be beautiful


There are many different octopuses in the world. one of them are called a coconut octopus. it’s coconut is it’s shell. like humans are mammals octopuses are cephalopods. cephalopods are  a type of mollusk. cephalopods is a Greek word that means “head foot”. octopuses are very intelligent . they are smart because of their nervous system. the cells in their nervous systems are called neurons. the more neurons the better. lobsters have 100.000 neurons. a jumping spider have 600,ooo and humans have 90 billion nuerons. if octopuses need to disguise themselves they can do it three different ways. they can change color. and they can disguise with posture and finally they can disguise by their texture.

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breakout EDU

this week we did this thing called breakout EDU. we all as a class had to work together and try to break into a box. the were five locks. one needed a key, two of them needed a word and the rest needed numbers. it was so much fun! If the class  could do something differently next time it would be to work better together. when we played we had to find all different kinds of clues and use them. inside the box there were Hershey kisses and everyone got one”yum!”



On June 12th all of the students in mrs. Assatly’s went to the Scarsdale public pool and went kayaking! we all had to capsize(capsize is when the kayak flips over) just in case if the boat would capsize we would know what to do we went on a freestyle white water kayak, a white water kayak, a touring kayak that you would ride in the ocean, a recreational kayak, and a stand up paddle board. we all got to ride each kayak. my personal favorite was the stand up paddle board.  Thanks to coach S.W we learned how to ride all different kayaks and how to brake turn left and right reverse, and forward. Thank coach S.W for teaching us so much!


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review on a dogs purpose

In a Dog’s Purpose a dog dies and then comes back alive. in its first live he is a golden retriever. he is left in a car and he is overheated and doesn’t have any water. a mom and a little boy find him and they break the window and get the golden retriever out. the little boy wanted to keep him his mom was okay with but his dad was not okay with it but the mom has a talk with the dad so they could keep the dog. the little boys name is Ethan. Ethan names him Bailey. He and Bailey  are beasties!! when Ethan gets older he meets a girl named hannah. hannah and Ethan spent everyday together and fall deeply in love Ethan LOVES to play football. When he is a teenager he plays football and there is a bully. One day the bully goes over to Ethan’s house (and his mom lives there too) and the bully slips some lit up fireworks in the mail slot. Bailey notices first and he wake up Ethan and thy mom and they try to escape. daily and the omw get down safely (because the have to jump out of a window) but Ethan gets his foot stuck on a piece of wood and this is the worst part is that that piece of wood was on fire!!! so his foot is in the fire and he can’t get his foot off the wood. After lots of people pull and pull his body his foot is finally free. he has to get a cast on. this makes him really mad because he can’t play football. He is so mad that he breaks up with hannah.  He eventually gets sick and passes away. This was really sad to me because when you see the movie you see how special bailey is to his next live eh is not a he he is a she!!! He i mean her name is Ellie In this life he is a police dog. His owner is very lonely. He can tell that he is unhappy. Finally Ellie makes him happy. One day they have to go save a girl who was kidnapped. Ellie found her and the guy who kidnapped her trough her in the water(because they were on a bridge) Ellie jumped in and saved the girl. The guy who kidnapped the girl was about to hurt the policeman but Ellie jumped on him and kept him down but while Ellie was trying this the bad guy shot Ellie. It was really sad but Ellie new she had saved a live. There are more lives but if you want to find out watch the movie!!??

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