March 2020 archive

It’s researching time!

I have just started my research. So far, it has been extremely fun to learn new things about my topic. Today, I’m going to share my note taking strategies and what I’m learning!

I’ve been researching for that long, but there are still some important facts I have learned to help me for my final project. One thing that is very crucial for my final project is learning about the ratios between ingredients. I found out lots of facts about what ratios are important for baking. After all, you can’t just make random measurements up for each ingredient when creating a recipe. One example of something that I learned is that for every cup of flour you are using, you use 1 tsp of baking powder. If I was using 3 cups of flour, I would use 3 tsp of baking powder. 

I have a couple note taking strategies that I’ve been using. One note taking strategy I really like is boxes and bullets. I really like this because it allows you to take notes in a more general way. It doesn’t have to be specifically comparing or contrasting, or cause and effect. I think this is a great way to take notes if you are taking notes on a main idea or taking notes on something that has lots of different parts. A note taking strategy I need to work on Venn diagrams. I find these really hard because I am not good at comparing and contrasting because they either are too different or too similar.


In conclusion, I am so excited to keep on researching and find out more interesting facts!


Here are examples of my research:


Passion Project 2020

There were a few steps to starting my passion project. Today, I am going to share with you the process, and what I did.


    First I had to come up with my topic. After Mr. DeBerry shared some examples about cooking, I realized that I wanted to narrow that down and choose baking. Baking was a very big topic, so I had to bring it to a more specific topic. After I thought about it, I decided to choose the topic of the science behind baking. This includes the measurements, chemicals, and reactions. I chose this topic because I was very curious about how certain ingredients mixed together would end up in a soft and tasty baked good. Since there are a variety of baked goods to choose from I decided to choose cupcakes to focus on. Once I got my topic, it was time to write my proposal letter.


    My proposal letter was for explaining what my passion project is about, what my questions and resources were, and what my final project was going to be. This was a very hard letter to write because I wanted to make sure my letter was crafted thoughtfully and carefully. There were a lot of challenges and there were some parts that were easy. One of the hardest things for me was making my sub-questions. This felt difficult because I had done a lot of narrowing down, and for my sub-questions I had to narrow it down even more. I overcame this problem by thinking what my main inquiry question included and turned those topics into questions. One of the easiest things during this writing process was deciding what my final project would be. This was simple for me because of one of Mr. DeBerry’s examples of doing a cooking show. I modified this a little and decided I would make my own recipe for cupcakes and make a video about it. In the video there would be little facts along the way to help people understand what the step is about.


    Overall, I am so excited and can’t wait to start researching!