Plant blog post #2

This is blog post #2 on plants. In our controlled  we are growing flowers. Some of our plants are dying. The highest plant measures 11 c.m. The shortest is six c.m. long. Most of our plants are green, but the ones that are dying are brown. Our healthy ones are bright green and most have flowers. The change with our plants since the start is that now they have flowers and in the beginning they had no flowers. What a big change!

In our manipulated our tallest plants is 15 cm tall and our smallest is 6 cm tall. We are noticing some flowers in each cell of our plant. Most of them are green. None of them are dying.  We are manipulating natural sunlight. The change with our plants since the start is that when we first started with our plants they had no flowers and the highest measurement was 5 cm, but now we have lots of flowers and our highest is 15cm.

These things happened because we took good care of our plants. We also solved a lot of plant problems. When we realized that our plants were not growing flowers we put our plants closer to where the water got sucked up and then three days later we had flowers! Also, when our plants were drooping we got our teacher and asked for something to hold up our plant and she gave us sticks. I wonder how our plants will turn our at the end. Soon we’ll find out!


my plants

Plants post #1

It is the third week of our plants. The first thing we did when we started planting was add the wicks, the wicks is something that soaks up the water and the water goes up into the plant. After that we added soil. Then we added the fertilizer to help our plant grow. Then we added a [inch of soil. After that we added the actual seed.  To top it all up we added more soil. We did that twice.

We needed to find out a scientific question. My groups question was will our plant grow better if we put it by the window sill for natural light. Our other plant was under a lamp. My hypothesis is that our plant by the window sill will grow better. The heist plant in controlled is 11 c.m. In manipulated it is 16cm.

Our manipulated is doing pretty well.It is growing higher then our controled. We started growing some flowers. Its really exiting to see new things happening to our plant. Maybe the flowers will turn into a fruit! Well will find out soon!

my plants