Flash light!!

In technology, we started making flashlights. Yesterday, i started drawing my outline on paper with the measurements. I would like to start making my flashlight on Thrursday or Friday. I am exited to start making my flash light and I think that it will be fun and interesting to decorate with all the supplies that we have to us!!

The movie

the movie that we watched yesterday was pretty interesting. We learned about how atoms work in cars and how there batteries also work. A part that I found very interesting was about the cars that are self driving and the part with the experiment because it was just really cool finding out the way that  part of your car works.



So today is class we worked on making circuits and it was really fun. The day before yesterday we learned how to make a basic circuit and the today we learned how to make a parallel circuit.


So before the switch was put on this is how it looked like: 

And after the switch was put on then it looked like this:

I found this this very interesting because there was so much to learn and understand about this and it was also really fun to make the real circuit and the one that I am showing right now.


Thanks bye!!!!


atoms as far as we know are really small things. They make up everything on earth. Atoms don’t always have circles, they cab be any shape , form or size. There are 118 types of atoms, that makes the periodic table.


Today we are learning about how batteries work. So the tippy top of the battery is called an anode and the bottom is called the cathode. If you connect a cooper wire from the anode to the cathode it send power threw it. How it’s happens is that there is a chemical called zinc and it wants to get to the coope( or another chemical) so it travels threw the cooper wire to the other side of the batterie. Sometimes the zinc travels through the wire so fast that the wire goes on fire, but on most wire there is protection so that will not happen.