Capstone Blog Post #1 – Topic and Main Inquiry Question


For capstone I chose my topic to be The Great Depression and my main inquiry question is What was the range of entertainment available during the great depression?.
Capstone is about one main question and the answer to that question but when you have your main inquiry question in order to answer it you have to have sub questions. Sub questions are side questions that help answer your main inquiry question. My teachers and parents were very helpful when it came to choosing my main inquiry question. My dad told me a lot of information about the entertainment during The Great Depression and got me interested about it. And my teachers helped me choose the right wording for my question.


It was challenging to choose my main inquiry question because at first I was tied between the art of The Great Depression and the entertainment but once I chose my topic I then had to choose my question. This was a very difficult process because at first I wanted to do the difference between rich people and poor people’s entertainment during The Great Depression but then I decided to instead do The range of entertainment available instead. Because I could collect more information and could have better sub questions. I have learned about myself as a learner that I learn quicker when I use websites that have online articles or voice readings because I just understand what they’re talking about more and I also just remember it more easily.

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