Cams (Blog Post 9)

For my cams project, I decided to build two of them, cam A and B. I cut out everything first, and it took a long time, around 30 minutes. Then, I watched the tutorial and followed the instructions. Using the blade thing (I forgot what it is called), I practiced a lot on plain paper, and then finally on the card stock. It came out good in my opinion. Another hard part about the cam was the glueing. The shaded areas were hard to see, and I couldn’t see anything, so I had to infer where we had to glue and also use the tutorial. After I was done my first came, it looked great, and I was satisfied. For the second cam, there was no tutorial, so I used the instructions from the paper. This took around 2 hours, unlike the first cam, because I was familiar with where to glue and using the blade thing, so  I did that a little bit faster. At the end, I had a cam with 1 thing going up and down, and another with two things going up and down. The cams were a fun, but hard experiment, and I had lots of fun doing so.

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