Catapults! (Blog Post #7 )

For the homework assignment catapults, I built two catapults, the two shown in the first video. Since I had exactly 23 popsicle sticks, exactly enough to build both, I decided to do so. In my opinion, the first one showed in the video is much easier than the second one, because of all the rubber bands and sticks. What I figured was that both catapults were class 3 levers. This is because for both of the levers the fulcrum was on one side, the load on the other side, and the effort in between. I made a small game where I had cups as targets, and some small candy for the load. This was a fun game, but this also helped me figure out what catapult was stronger. The easier catapult launched the load around a foot, and the harder catapult launched the load around 4 feet with a lot more power. Overall, this was a fun project, and I think I did well with the catapults and the test.

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