Category Archives: 7th grade tech

Tech Post- Hi

Hi Mrs. Giroux. I have having a pretty relaxing time off school. I am playing outside with my dog a lot more than usual, and also going for a ton of bike rides. I have been doing a bunch of school work and also, my camp has been sending us some fun stuff. Like there was a challenge where we had to build a replica of an area at camp.



I haven’t, and hope nobody else has, made contact with any of my friends. But I have been face timing, texting and playing video games with many of them. I have been doing a lot outside and spending a lot of time with my family. That is the upside of this whole thing.

Overall, this has been a very challenging time and everyone just has to be careful and follow the rules, because after all, we are all in this together and we will get out of this together.

Tech post #4 – Corona break

Starting May 9th we have been having a break due to a pandemic called COVID-19 or coronavirus. The school told us that we should not have large gatherings and that we should be “social distancing.” Therefore, we have over 2 weeks off and we can’t interact with  our friends. I have found ways to entertain myself though, my family and I go for walks with our dog, we bake things, and I play on my phone and xbox. Obviously I do get bored sometimes and have nothing to do, but so far I am surviving. My mom has been going crazy and buying out every store. We have an unlimited supply of food, drinks, paper towels, tissues and every other thing we need.

Due to this coronavirus we can’t hang out with friends or go to school, but on the upside, we have more free time and we get more family time.

Blog post #3 – Week 3 reflection

In week 3, we did a lot of work on our box. We started with making the top and bottom of the box. We were given a long piece of wood to share with one or two other people. I started from the end of the long piece of wood and measures out my top and bottom of my box while leaving a 1/8 of an inch space in between for the saw. When I had all my lines measured out, I went to a miterbox saw and I cut my wood. I then did the same thing with the front, back and sides of my box. I had to measure the width-1in. because the front and back wood takes up 1/2 in. each.

When we were cutting we had to put a clasp on the wood, so it doesn’t move while you cut. I was hard to cut because sometimes when you pulled back, the saw wouldn’t go back forward, so you had to pick up the saw and reset. The good part about it was it was impossible to make a bad cut because the saw is held in the middle.

Now we are ready to put together our box.

Tech post #1

Yesterday we explored some wood tools. We learned how to screw some nails, fasteners etc. into blocks of wood. We used tools of all shapes, colors and sizes. It was really easy to get the screws in that had a pointy edge, however it was much harder to get the screws that didn’t have a point into the wood. There were also a bunch of different types of screw drivers. The end of the screw drivers were sometimes different and some of the screw drivers didn’t fit with some of the screws. There were also a bunch of different sizes of blocks of wood. There was a very big block, and it was much easier to get screws into the big blocks compared to the small ones. some of the screws were pretty easy to get into the wood, for example I was able to get a big grey screw into a block of wood, but then it was very challenging to get the screw out. It took a long time, but eventually I got it out. Some screws were hard to get started, because you had to make a hole to get the screw started. Once the screw was about half way in, it was pretty easy to finish it off. Overall, some combos of screw drivers, screws and wood was easy to get the screw into the wood and some were a lot harder.