Capstone Blog Post #1

Capstone is a fun project where we choose a topic, main inquiry question, and sub questions to help us get the answer to the main inquiry question. First, we have to do research to find out everything we need to know, and then we organize that research. By the end of this unit, we will have created a project that teaches the audience all of the research that we gathered about our topic and main inquiry question. I am really excited to do this project!

My topic for Capstone is Stagecraft. It took me a few days to decide on this topic because I had other ideas, and at the time, I didn’t know what Stagecraft was. I chose this topic because I am really interested in acting and broadway shows, and I wanted to learn more about how sets, backdrops, and props are created. I learned about Stagecraft when I was selecting my favorite activities for camp. One of the items on the selection list was “Stagecraft and Technical Theater.” I didn’t know what that meant but it sounded interesting, so I decided to find out what it is. I found out that it means designing sets, backdrops, props, etc. That sounded very interesting to me, so I wanted to put it on my “favorite activities” camp list. Then, we started Capstone, and since I was really interested in Stagecraft, I wanted that to be my topic.

My main inquiry question for Capstone is “What is the process of designing and building a stage for a broadway show, including the backdrop, set, and props?” I chose this question because I am really interested in learning about it. I recently developed an interest in learning about how to set up/design/build a stage.

My sub questions for Capstone are:

  1. How do painters design and paint a backdrop?
  2. How are sets and props made?
  3. Do builders have to plan and design a stage before they start putting everything together? If so, how do they do that?
  4. How are backdrops put up? How are sets brought into the theater and placed in the right spot?
  5. Who do backdrop and set designers consult with to ensure they are designing the pieces the way the authors/producers envision?

I chose these sub questions because I think that they will help me get the answer to my main inquiry question, and I think that they are strong enough for me to get a lot of research.

After I chose my topic, main inquiry question, and my sub questions, I revised them, and after that I was finally done.

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