Argument and Advocacy Debate Reflection

For the Argument and Advocacy unit/debate, my side of the argument was that animals should not be kept in zoos.

I had a lot of good articles and information, and it was easy to organize my information. I think we did a very good job with the debate because we acknowledged and countered the other side’s argument, we listed resources, found good reasons and evidence, we worked as a team,  helped our classmates with their side of the debate, and we organized it well.

I also think my classmates did a very good job because they made their statement clear. They had good reasons and evidence, they used statistics, and stated the resources where they got their information.

Overall, this debate/project was very fun because we got to learn knew things, experience what a real debate would be like, and we got to hear the other side of the argument.

The Cultural Universals of Hungary

In my project, I studied the Cultural Universals of Hungary. I did research from various websites. I researched about politics, cultural arts, social aspects, beliefs, and economics. Finding pictures and making my script for recording was challenging. It was fun to research about my ancestors’ home land and then making it into my own slideshow. Also, It was fun to record my voice into the video. I hope you enjoy my slideshow!