Reflecting On Creating My Immigrant Interview WeVideo

For my immigrant interview, I interviewed my neighbor, Puneet. I loved creating my WeVideo because it was fun using what I learned about Puneet, and creating a whole video about his immigration story. I found his story to be very interesting. Puneet gave me lots of great information which made it easier for me to make my WeVideo longer and better.  Some things that were challenging for me were figuring out what pictures to put in my slideshow, and organizing everything. After a few days of creating and revising my slideshow, I finally felt like I didn’t have any more revising to do, so I decided that I was done.

Here is the link to my WeVideo:



Reflecting On My Immigrant Interview

For the immigration project, I decided to interview my neighbor – Puneet Sanan. I chose to interview him because him and his family are very close with my family, and I heard that Puneet has a very interesting immigration story. (It turns out, his immigration story was very interesting!)  I think I came up with very interesting and important questions, and I got very clear answers from Puneet. I learned a lot about how to conduct an interview, such as how you have to make follow – up questions, and you have to concentrate on what the person is saying. I learned about why and when he emigrated, what he was planning to do once he arrived in America, his experiences during the immigration process, his expectations, what he actually did once he got to America, and more. After doing my interview, I can conclude that immigration is a very hard thing to go through, and that everyone’s story is different.