Tech Week 4: Jewelry Making

This week, we started working on making jewelry for a person of our choice. I chose to make it for my camp friend. We had to make an interview for the person we are making the jewelry for to try to get an idea of what to make. I used the information I learned from my friend to draw a bunch of different possible designs. I drew a burger because that is an inside joke, some of her favorite brand logos, an ice cream cone because she loves ice cream, our camp logo, a TikTok logo because she loves TikTok, a microphone because she loves singing, her initials, her name, her first initial, a volleyball because she loves volleyball, and more. My 2 top choices were the brand (aviator nation) logo or a burger. I counted the number of wires it would take to make the aviator nation logo, and it was more than 6. Our max number of wires we are allowed to make is 6. Then I counted the number of wires in the burger design, and it was exactly 6. So I chose the burger.

Next, we started making the border for the jewelry charm. It was very confusing, but I managed to do it. The materials that I used were a mandrel, round nose pliers, chain nose pliers, wire cutters, safety goggles, and wire. I shaped my wire by putting it around the mandrel. I then had to bend a wire, make a loop with the other one using the round nose pliers and cut the extra wire off. Next, I made a coil around the neck of the loop by wrapping the wire around it a few times. The bracelet will go through the loop. The charm part is an open circle. I am super excited to finish this project next week!