Presidential Election

In my opinion, I think Joe Biden should win the election.

I think this because, Joe Biden says that as President, he will work to eliminate the funding gap between schools that serve students of color, and schools that serve mostly white students. I agree with this. I think that these schools should be equal.

Joe Biden also supports increasing legal immigration. He  promises to end many of the current administration’s immigration policies. I agree with this. I think that refugees should be allowed to re-settle in our country, or else something bad might happen to them.

My Opinion on The Electoral College

I think that the Electoral College should continue as it is.

I think this because, I think it is fair that there are some Republican states, some Democratic states, and some swing states. You never know where the swing states are going to go. Sometimes they go to the Republican side, and sometimes they go to the Democratic side.  I think it is fair that whoever gets to a certain number of Electoral votes –  270, wins Presidency.