Rube Goldberg Blog Post #1

My simple task is feeding my hungry dogs. The simple machines that I used were 2 Inclined Planes, 1 Wheel and Axle, and 1 Pulley. The process of building my machine was really challenging because I used a lot of dominoes and when I was setting them up, they kept falling and knocking each other over. I also couldn’t get some things to stay put, which was another challenge. Once I finally finished building, it took me 48 attempts until the 49th try, when my Rube Goldberg machine actually worked! I have been trying to get it right for 5 hours last night! Those 5 hours were really frustrating because my machine kept failing, so I had to keep making changes and rebuilding it. The machine kept failing in the first half, when the ping pong ball was supposed to knock down some dominoes, but didn’t. I revised it by making the dominoes go in a straight line, and making a barrier so that when the ball rolled out of the tube, it would definitely hit the first domino. Overall, this Rube Goldberg project was really fun and interesting, but very challenging and frustrating.

Here is my first sketch: