NY Explorers Project – The Class Field Trip

We went to Manhattan on our class field trip, and we saw all of our topics. Mine is the Hudson River. We went on the Staten Island Ferry, and we passed the Hudson river. Then, we ate lunch outside and hung out until it was time to go back to school. These are some of the facts that I learned along the way. – The Hudson River is a very huge river, and next to it, is the East River. The river flows along the coast of Manhattan. It is a little brown-ish, because of the PCBs and all the other pollution in the river.  I also learned that there are lots of boats that cross the NY Harbor. but they have to dock until the weather is ok to go out. I learned a lot on this field trip, so i have more things to add to my script. This was really fun, and I would want to go again! Thank you for reading my blog post!

Here are some pictures of our trip: