Maya O's (Awesome) Blog

Just another kitty (And blog) lover….

Snow Day!


Here is my snow day Haiku:


Covered with snow today,

Kids cheer, no work today for them,

Lovely snow today.


Hope you liked it,

Maya O

Human Rights post #2


Hi guys,

Like I showed you in the other Human Rights post, we are of course learning about Human Rights..

If you didn’t, then here is the link to the other post.

Human Right # 28 is the right to a fair and free world.

Here is a link to # 28.

Well, bye.


Human Rights


In class, we are learning about HUMAN RIGHTS. Like: What are Human Rights. Human Rights are simply: A Human’s Rights. Like, we are all born free and equal, the right to life, and no one can away your human rights.

Click Here to learn about Human Rights.


Maya O

What I LOVE <3


If you are wondering what my most favorite things are, here they are:

One of my favorite things is, CATS!!!!! If you want, you can comment, and ask me a cat question. Did you know that a cat has THREE inner ear canals?!? Cat’s use them to help them balance and to hear very well. So, as you can see I LOVE cats, I even have one of my own!!

Another thing that I love is BASKETBALL!!! I am in a basketball rec team! I couldn’t get in travel because of tryouts. But any way, I love it!! My favorite thing to do in basketball, is shoot! But shooting, is about everyone’s favorite thing to do.

So those are some of my favorite things that I love!

Bye for now,

Maya O

P.S. The kitty in the photo is my kitty!! <3

This is my FIRST post!! Hooray!


Hi guys, this is my first post, but you may not know this, but my name is MAYA!

BTW I am in 5th grade in Fox Meadow???? and I’m happy? to make my first blog.

If you’d like to know some things I like? and dislike? here they are:

Things I like:

  • Ice-cream?
  • Kittens⬇️

  • Pizza?
  • Pasta
  • Cupcakes⬇️

  • Frosting
  • Computers
  • TV
  • Books
  • Drawing
  • Candy
  • Israeli Scouts
  • ME!

Things I dislike:

  • Vomit/Puke/Barf?
  • Dogs
  • My brother
  • My sister

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