Rube Goldberg – Post #6

Noy and I had a study date and we worked on the machine more. Noy told me all the steps he added to make it better. We tested the steps out and had some trouble with spacing. These problems were supposed to be minor – just move some things around, and then you get it right – but no. It took us a ton of time to adjust all the “minor” problems. After the “minor” problems were solved, we tested the machine and videotaped it as we went.

In one of them, the machine worked but Noy went running around the machine, yelling “GOOOAAALLL!!!” at the top of his lungs. Noy’s dad, Ian said that we needed to make it longer and more imressive because everything happened at the same time, all in one go. When we watched the video, we couldn’t see each step clearly. We started spacing everything out. The car was rolling really slowly and it didn’t reach the pole. There were some problems, as you can see, with the “spreading-everything-out” technique. We also had to change the car but we couldn’t find any replacement. At least we are almost done!

Rube Goldberg – Post #5

I haven’t been to Noy’s house because I was sick. I took a look at his blog post (number 6) and figured out that he had done a good amount of the machine. That’s good! Noy added some steps and that was also good except that I don’t know what they are yet. I think that what Noy has so far is good:

I’ll have to ask him what the other steps were because I am a bit confused about the Lego seesaw and the little Pikachu and some other things.