Technology – Post #2

Today we learned about circuits and how they work. I found this very interesting, especially when Mr.Calvert told us to go to for our daily “do now”. Nearpod is a website that Mr.Calvert introduced to us at the beginning of tech. This time, he gave us another link to a website which gave us a menu of things like batteries and wire. He wanted us to try to make a circuit before he explained it to us later on. WHat I found interesting about ht website was that we could build a circuit on the computers just like we could build a circuit in real life, just a lot easier and a little faster than building a circuit in real life.

We also learned a little bit about what we are going to be doing tomorrow. THere were things in the tray in the middle of our table like these:

We had also learned how to use wire cutters and this is what they looked like:

I think that I am going to enjoy building circuits  very much and hope to be doing it tomorrow on the thirtieth of November! 😜