Plant Blog Post #2

Our plants are doing very well so far. They both have fruits now! The fruits look like little, green sausages. Our Controlled plants  are 10 centimeters tall. Our Manipulated plants are 10 centimeters tall. They both have bright, yellow flowers and have a bunch of big leaves. Our group’s prediction  is that the fruit is a string bean. We think it’s a string bean because first of all it looks like one, second of all or teacher (Mrs. Mangan) said it’s in the Brassica family. Brassica includes Peas, Beans, Brussel Sprouts and more. When it dies I wonder how it would reproduce?

Plant Observations Days #1 & #2


Day #1

My question is do plants only need soil or could they be in other things like sand or rocks or even nothing at all? I think that it will work. My Controlled plant has just soil, while my Manipulated sits in sand.[Most likely powdered clay.]

Our group’s Controlled plant is 8 centimeters and our Manipulated plant is 9 centimeters tall

Both of our plants have buds that are ready to bloom. They also have green leaves; good, long stems; perfect, and more.

I think our plants are doing very well. I can’t wait until the bloom their wonderful flowers! [Hope they succeed!]


Day #2

Hooray! Our plants have finally grown small, yellow flowers!

They have reached their destiny! They shall get the Nobel prize.

Maglev Design Day #2: Final Design

We used strip magnets. We placed them on the edge like this:

Then we added 2 magnets on top of the track. We knew like poles repel and opposite poles attract. It helped me by knowing that North and North repel, so we used the idea and we succeeded. Then, we tried increasing the magnetic field by putting more magnets facing North on the top of the track. It made the cart flow up higher. Then, we placed a cup of 24 marbles on top of the cart to see how much weight it can transport. We gave it a little push and it barely moved because it had a lot of weight on top of it. After that, we increased the magnetic field again by putting more magnets on top of the other ones. We made sure all the magnets were facing North so the cart could repel. Then, after that we put the 24 marbles on top of the cart and…. It finally worked! I gave it a push and it smoothly floated across the track.

Maglev Design Day #1

What is a Maglev train? Well, a Maglev is a type of train with magnets on the bottom of it and on the track. It works by having magnets repel each other, so it moves from magnets on the track that are repelling it.


We started by putting strip magnets on the bottom of our cart using masking tape to hold the magnets up on the cart. Then made sure that the poles of the magnets were like, the magnets have to be like to levitate on the track for example North and North. Then we gave it a little push, but it was too heavy. After that we did the try #2 where you could see below. That try worked out pretty good. We all worked really hard

Expert Book – Sloths

Sloths are very interesting animals to learn about. I chose this topic to teach you about these VERY rare animals. To be honest I also think they’re pretty cute. I put a lot of effort and care into this book. First I had to write the whole thing down on a piece of paper.Then I had to revise and edit. Third, I had to type it on a computer and add images and captions. Last but not least, four; I had to edit and revise that. Someday, you might stand up for these wonderful animals. Hope you enjoy!

My book is called Sloths. Here it is….

The History of Typography

During our class time in computer lab, Mr. Casal showed us a video about the history of typography. After watching this video I learned that typography has a very long history and no one ever quit trying to find a good way for the style to look. I also learned that Friedrich Guttenburg created the first style of writing, Blackletter. Blackletter was a dark and a weird type of writing. When it was typed, it was squished together just like this: Blackletterissquishedtogether.

After Blackletter, there was Roman Type. Roman Type was tall and stiff, it had thick serifs and after, there was EGYPTIAN with BIG serifs.


Here is the video we watched:

The History of Typography by Ben Barrett-Forrest from Dezeen on Vimeo.






I am a Sunny Corn


I am in a cozy garden at Heathcote School with Swiss Chard that’s sweet.


I am a Sunny Corn


I feel my leaves,that cover me from the wind,I feel cold and soft Lamb Ears.


I am a Sunny Corn


Pink Swiss Chard,Violet Tomatoes

Purple Eggplants and tall,tall Sunflowers.


I am a Sunny Corn

Buzzing Bees,Small Butterflies,Bumblebees and annoying flies.


I am a Sunny Corn.