Archive of ‘My World’ category

Tutu Tuesday

I was at my country club and I snuck candy.  When I was walking it fell out of my pocket. My mom saw, and the next thing I knew I was seeing her eat my candy.  My favorite candies are Air Heads, Sour Patch, and chocolate.  I love to dance–Hip-Hop and Acro Jazz.  I also do Remix, which is a dance company.  Once when I was at Acro Jazz on a Tuesday we saw a box of  tutus so we went all around our room saying tutu Tuesday.  I have turned my brothers thumb blue.  When I was younger my siblings and I went down to the basement and went to the costume box and we danced around the kitchen.  We almost knocked the food over.  I have never been grounded.  I love when my grandparents come and visit. I am getting three new baby cousins.  My favorite place to be is Canada.  I like to do art projects to decorate my room. I have stapled my thumb.               



Hi, my name is Marin. I am 9 years old in 4th grade. I live in New York. I have one older sister and one younger brother. I like to do gymnastics, dance, and play tennis. I love performing.

I play the clarinet. I also am great at skiing, sledding, and swimming.  My favorite subjects in school are art, science, and writing. At home once I finish my homework, I play on the ipad or play with legos.

My favorite activity is skating. Once my brother and I were playing hockey  and it got so intense that one of the sticks broke.

My mom grew up in Canada and my dad grew up in New Jersey. When I go to Canada I get to see all my younger cousins (they are so cute).  I’m going there for spring break .

I don’t have much experience in blogging but I am going to try to make it as good I can.  

If you want me to tell you about something  please comment.

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