I loved working on my passion project and I also enjoyed learning how the human brain works. This is my final blog post and it is a reflection on my passion project.
• I got to choose a topic which I loved
• I didn’t have a hard time finding resources, because I had some books at home and there were ample resources online
• I had more time to work on my passion project because we are all in a stay-at-home situation
• I had to learn how to do things on my own, like sharing a screen on Zoom, or learning how to attach something to a blog post (this was one of the things that would have been easier to get help from a teacher face-to-face)
I learned that I am getting better as a writer. Last year, while doing my writing projects, I used to have many edits. But now, my edits on my passion project presentation were minimal.
I also learned that I could figure things out and do things independently.
I shared my presentation with the class on Zoom, and we all went into separate rooms in Zoom called breakout rooms, which I thought was a very cool feature. The presentation went smoothly, and I think I did very well. I also did a Zoom share with my family and friends. The younger kids had a lot of questions and I had fun answering them.