Monthly Archives: April 2018

Passion project Day#4

Today I accomplished half of the snake category. I worked for 40 min. learned that if you are cornering a snake than clear a path for it because you do not wan’t to get in the snakes way. Also, DO NOT THREATEN THE SNAKE, snakes will attack you!!! Tomorrow, I hope to get 3 quarters done.

Passion Project day #3

Today I accomplished all of my organization in the shark slide. I also splitted information into two slides. I added  pictures so there isn’t only writing. I continued the snake slide. I learned that If the snake is fat and has a fat head, that means that it is poisonous. If it is skinny, then it is completely harmless. Tommorow I plan to get three quarters done of the snake.   


Passion project day #2

Today I accomplished the whole shark category and started snake category. I learned that sharks kill approximately 10 people a year. I also learned all of these facts about sharks.

What to do if they attack you

How often do they attack you

Kills against humans

Where they live

Where we should be careful


Tomorrow I plan to continue the snake category


Passion Project

A Passion Project is where you pick something that you are very passionate about and you take it to the next level. I am studying different types of animals In this project I accomplished a slide and I added transions to each slide we had so far. I learned that sharks are not always dangerous and that they can be safe in some cases. My plan for tomorrow is to answer these questions for sharks:

What to do if they attack you?

How often do sharks attack you

How many peaple did sharks kill?

Where do sharks live?

Where we should be careful for sharks?


Then I would add some answers to the 4th slide.

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