Category Archives: 5th Grade


Capstone is a project where you work independantly on a topic you really enjoy working on. Capstone is passion project times two. How did we come up with our questions? We thought about our topic and we tried to find questions all around the topic. We had to grade our questions on a rubric. We were aiming for a three or a four. When I graded it, I thought my question was a four. We are starting our Capstone in the middle of our passion project because then we won’t have enough time to finish our capstone before the year ends. Most of the work is done in school. Very little work is done at home. First, you have to pick your topic. Then you have to pick a main inquiry question and some sub questions. My main inquiry question is,Why has cell phone use grown so quickly and how could we stop humans from being addicted to cell phones. My sub questions are who created the first cell phone and what inspired the person to do it, how long will cell phones be in use, how much time do humans need for one day on a cell phone, and finally why are cell phone apealing to humans.

At first, I had no idea at all what to do for capstone so that made me freak out and get scared alot. Our teacher said that our capstone could be our passion project topic, but your capstone has to include more information. Why is it so hard to just come up with the questions? It is hard because you start with a poster and you have to brainstorm as many questions as possible. I found questions together with a partner and we got eight altogether. I think I will be presenting with google slides.

Passion Project day #9

Today I still did not find the answer to the question so I just wrote more writing instead of that question. Marcello and I really looked very hard but if you look something up on the internet, sometimes completely different stuff pop up so that was what happened. Today I accomplished all of Tsetse fly and started most dangerious land animals. I learned that the most dangerious land animal is the mosquito. I found more than one website but mosquito won by one website. Tomorrow I plan to continue most dangerious land animals.

Passion project day#8

We are still trying to figure out what to do with those two questions in tsetse fly. I also memerized how to spell tsetse fly because I had to write it so much times. I said to myself “All you have to memerize is tse two times. I accomplished tsetse fly #2. I also made transitions for the tsetse fly #2 slide. Marcello also made all of the transitions fade in and I have no idea at all why he changed all of the zoom in and come in from right and come in from left. I wanted to add some humor into it but Marcello said this is no place for humor and he was being very serious. In school, I asked marcello to work on it right after school with me and he said he has to do some kind of live stream on his youtube channel so I was dissapointed about that. I learned that tsetse flies only live in africa and that is the only place to be cautious. I almost forgot to do my blog, and for a second I thought I forgot to do it for yesterday(day 7). Tommorow I hope to figure out the answers to the question even though I think I will not figure the question out.

Passion Project day#7

Today I got half of the Tsetse fly slide done. We have a slide where it says our guiding research questions. Today in school, we asked Ms. Boyer if we should include our slide with our guiding research questions and Ms. Boyer said yes. For homework, I figured out that there is an question that neither me or Marcello could find the answer to. The question is”What to do if a Tsetse Fly approaches you. Also I added a link and an qr code. I learned how to make one. I made it by going on google and getting an Qr code generator. Tomorrow, I hope to get the tsetse fly done.

Passion Project Day #6

Today I continued polishing the shark slide and adding more transitions. I learned how I should organise everything about the same topic. Tomorrow, I plan to keep polishing.

Passion Project#5

Today I accomplished the whole of the snake category. I also polished some of the slides and added some transitions to them. There is a question that I have been researching alot and I cannot find the answer anywhere. The question is “How often do snakes attack humans in the US”? I asked Marcello to help me find the answer to the question and we found it together. Today I learned that snakes kill about 6 people a year. Tomorrow I plan to keep polishing.

Passion project Day#4

Today I accomplished half of the snake category. I worked for 40 min. learned that if you are cornering a snake than clear a path for it because you do not wan’t to get in the snakes way. Also, DO NOT THREATEN THE SNAKE, snakes will attack you!!! Tomorrow, I hope to get 3 quarters done.

Passion Project

A Passion Project is where you pick something that you are very passionate about and you take it to the next level. I am studying different types of animals In this project I accomplished a slide and I added transions to each slide we had so far. I learned that sharks are not always dangerous and that they can be safe in some cases. My plan for tomorrow is to answer these questions for sharks:

What to do if they attack you?

How often do sharks attack you

How many peaple did sharks kill?

Where do sharks live?

Where we should be careful for sharks?


Then I would add some answers to the 4th slide.

Salva southern Sudan blog post

In class, we started to read a Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park and we are talking about LEADERSHIP!!! Some qualities of effective leaderships are bravery, determination, persistence, and confidence. A leader needs these qualities because they are the head of the group and they make all the decisions. Salva demonstrates these qualities by wanting everyone to look for his family and wanting himself to look also and he is not giving up. This shows that he is determined because he is not going to give up. Salva’s philosophy might help me in my life by setting an example of his bravery and persistence and reminding me of the fact that my problems might not be so terrible after all. Perseverance is important because if he gave up right away when he failed, he would not be able to survive or find his family. You could better develop the ability to persevere by practicing to be a good leader and by gaining more confidence in yourself.Image result for emoji determination

My Favorite Sport

My favorite sport of all is …………………….SOCCER!!!!!. My second to favorite sport is Basketball although I barely never get to play it except for in school. I have started playing goalie when I was 4 years old. I still like goalie but I am starting to like striker. Great, now I it’s winter and I can’t practice because when there’s no snow, I don’t have any time to play so I guess i’l have to wait until spring. I don‘t know if I should keep practicing goalie (which I am really good at)or play striker. I don’t really want to be both because that would be to hard because I would practice one and the other but in games IT’S ONE POSITION!!! What will I do???


Image result for real goalieRelated imageImage result for striker word



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