Land and Water Lesson 11

The stream table before we poured water


The stream table after we poured the water

On Febuary 2, Ms.Kiley came to my class for lesson 11. This time she taught us about how land effects water.

We collected rocks at recess so we used those for 1 of the effects of how land affects water. We also, after we chopped and bulldozed, got a clump of dirt from the stream table and with that we made hills as another effect.

After we chopped and bulldozed, we put the rocks and made the hills  on the stream table. Then we took the red dotted cup and poured the water. The water got hit by the rocks and hills which made it go a few directions. It was cool!

Ms.Kiley said that on Febuary 3 we will put in grass seads and see how GRASS will effect water. And that is lesson 11 with Ms.Kiley.

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