Archive of ‘Technology’ category

Creating a Scratch Game

I had an assignment to make a game on scratch. I chose to make a pong game. This game involves moving a line at the bottom of your screen to were a ball moving around the screen will land. If you do not catch the ball then you will die in the game, and if you do, you will gain points. This was very fun to make and surprisingly not very hard.

This is my code for my line:

This is code for ball:

Overall I really enjoyed this last project.

Spreadsheets Lesson

I finished all the spreadsheets we had to do. I learned in this unit how to create averages, charts and sums on the computer so you do not have too. I enjoyed this unit because I got to learn how to use spreadsheets in a different way than I am used too. I would recommend playing with spreadsheets. You would be surprised how much you can learn. I was interested in the Mets and Yankees so I chose this spreadsheet. I added an average of home runs each year for Yankees and Mets. I also made a total home runs column for each year for the Yankees and Mets.

This is a picture of one of my spreadsheets:

Swift Playground: Learning to Code #2

I faced a big challenge while coding on swift playground. It took me a while to figure out. I had to come up with a pattern that would work every time, but the problem was I thought their had to be a different code every time. Turns out, I was wrong. Here is a picture of level when I was halfway finished with it:

I used this code:

moveForward ( )

collectGem ( )

solveStair ( )

moveForward ( )

collectGem ( )

solveStair ( )

turnLeft ( )

moveForward ( )

collectGem ( )

solveStair ( )

moveForward ( )

collectGem ( )

Music Video

In scratch for computer tech we did another project. This project is called music video project. I watched a couple other peoples projects. I am going to be talking about one of the projects that I watched. What I like about this project is the setting that the person making this chose for the music video, I think it was very fitting. I also liked the way that the character moved when you clicked the green flag. Finally, the sound choice was upbeat and happy and fit into the mood. Overall I enjoyed this person‘s projects very much.

Code Stars Video

Last week I watched a video called code stars. In this video it talked about how everyone can learn to code and how coding is important for everyone to know how to do. I learned that coding is not as boring and hard as it seems. I now am more interested in coding after watching the video.

About Me Project

Last week in Computer Tech we make a project in Scratch. The project is called The About Me Project. In this project we described things that we like, what sport we play and other things. First, in my project I had a introduction slide where my character welcomed everyone to the project. Then, I had a slide about how I like to go to the beach and asked if others did too. I used a code on scratch to do this. Next, I said hat I like to take trips to the city. Finally, I said that I swim.

Making a Flashlight – Part 2

For my final tech blog post, I am going to be talking about finishing my final tech project, which was making a flashlight using a circuit.  First, I had to look back at my sketch and measure the wire length.  Next, I cut wires and bent them on the sides so they would be easy to solder.  After that, I gathered the switch, battery, wires and battery holder.  I then soldered each piece of the circuit together and tried to fit it inside the PVC pipes of my flashlight.  Last, I painted my flashlight.

Making a Flashlight – Part 1

My final two blog posts are going to be about my final project in tech which was making a flashlight. First I sawed a PBC pipe and Mr. Calvert gave me the other ones. Next I had to drill two different holes. One hole was for the light and the other was for the switch, both were in my circuit. Which I will explain in my next blog post. Drilling these holes was very scary. How I did it was I positioned the pipe right where I wanted the hole, then locked the pipe in one position so it could not move while I was drilling because that would be very dangerous. Finally I turned the drill on and slowly moved it towards the PVC pipe. Then I had all my pipes done.

Switches – Part 3

My final switch was very simple because I didn’t have a lot of time to work on it. I wanted it to be easy to use and still not breakable, so I came up with my design. I only used tinfoil and cardboard. I cut one piece of cardboard and put two different pieces of tinfoil on different sides not connecting. After I tested it. This process was fairly simple. I connected one side of the tinfoil to the negative wire and one side to the positive. Next I put the light in the breadboard and turned on the battery by flipping the switch. Finally the light turned on and I was done.

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