Posts Tagged ‘Flashlight’


When you are building something it means you are creating your own vision of whatever you want to make. Building something can look like hammering down a piece off wood, or soldering a circuit, it looks different for everyone. One time I built a flashlight last year in tech. I felt so good after I made it realizing that I could make a flashlight with only a bit of help from a friend. I still have it and still us the flashlight that I made.  I enjoy building things because after I make the thing I feel so good about myself.

Making a Flashlight – Part 2

For my final tech blog post, I am going to be talking about finishing my final tech project, which was making a flashlight using a circuit.  First, I had to look back at my sketch and measure the wire length.  Next, I cut wires and bent them on the sides so they would be easy to solder.  After that, I gathered the switch, battery, wires and battery holder.  I then soldered each piece of the circuit together and tried to fit it inside the PVC pipes of my flashlight.  Last, I painted my flashlight.

Making a Flashlight – Part 1

My final two blog posts are going to be about my final project in tech which was making a flashlight. First I sawed a PBC pipe and Mr. Calvert gave me the other ones. Next I had to drill two different holes. One hole was for the light and the other was for the switch, both were in my circuit. Which I will explain in my next blog post. Drilling these holes was very scary. How I did it was I positioned the pipe right where I wanted the hole, then locked the pipe in one position so it could not move while I was drilling because that would be very dangerous. Finally I turned the drill on and slowly moved it towards the PVC pipe. Then I had all my pipes done.