Posts Tagged ‘protons’


In Tech, we learned about atoms. We learned that atoms are made up of neutrons, protons, and electrons. Protons are the positive charge. Electrons are the negative charge. And neutrons are a neutral charge. Protons and electrons are opposite charges so they attract each other. Atoms were once thought to be the smallest things in the universe, but now we know that they actually are not, the nucleus is. The nucleus is a small round ball that is in the center of an atom it is very small and hard to find like for example if an atom was the size of a football field then the nucleus would be the size of a marble. And if you want to see the atoms inside a grapefruit then you would have top make the grapefruit as big as the Earth and the atoms would be as big as a blueberry. Imagine how many blueberry there would be! I hope this helped you learned something about atoms today. (more…)