Social Issues – “Donuthead” by Sue Stauffacher

Franklin Delano Donuthead is the main character in the book “Donuthead” by Sue Stauffacher. He struggles with many social issues throughout the book. One of his struggles is he has too many phobias and he is too protective. This can be a social issue because he will tend to avoid things and go overboard in protection. Some examples are when he avoided playing on the monkey bars because it had too much bacteria, when he calculated the chance of a robbery in his house, and when he vacuumed his carpet east-west so if anyone came in his room the carpet would show footprints, and when he gave himself physical limitations.

He also struggles because he is different. I can see that this is a social issue because he tends to get made fun of because he is different. His left arm is 8/10 of an inch longer than his right arm and his left leg is 4/10 of an inch longer than his right leg and his last name is Donuthead.

Donuthead also struggles because he has anxiety. He is nervous that his mother is being watched and he at first didn’t want to play baseball because he was afraid he’d get hit by a line drive.

Sarah Kervick, Donuthead’s friend struggles too. She is too afraid to share her thoughts and dreams too anyone! Even her own father! One of her social issues is that she is poor so she wouldn’t even have enough money to follow her dreams. (Luckily Donuthead’s mom helped make Sarah’s dream come to life) another one of her social issues is that she is also different, but not “different” in the same way as Donuthead. She is a girl and the boys that play baseball think that a girl can’t play baseball especially if she’s batting cleanup. (Best batter on the team)

One of the social issues including the whole book is violence. Often people are too violent which makes this a social issue. Sarah Kervick will threaten Donuthead which will scare him.

I feel like this book did an amazing job of including social issues. It showed a lot of how there are social issues around the world and how people can help deal with them. “Donuthead” is a great book to read to find out about social issues.

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