Biography Project

Mickey Mantle

   Timeline of Mickey Mantle’s Life

1931 Born October 20, in Spavinaw, Oklahoma

? Charlie Mantle (Mickey’s Grandfather) died

1946 Mickey joined Whiz Kids baseball squad at 15 years old

1949 Mickey started playing for a D minor league team

1951 Mickey started playing for the N.Y. Yankees May 16

? Elvis Mantle (Mickey’s Father) died

1956 Mickey won the Triple Crown Award

1956 Mickey won his first MVP Award

1957 Mickey won his second MVP Award

1962 Mickey won the Golden Glove Award

1962 Won his third and final MVP award

1969 Mickey announced his retirement: May 1

1974 Mickey was inducted into the Hall of Fame

1995 Mickey died August 13,  in Dallas, Texas at the age of 63


Mickey Mantle was one of the best baseball players ever to live. He has won many awards for this, like The Triple Crown Award, The Golden Glove Award, and he has won The Most Valued Player (MVP) Award three times! Along with that he hit 18 home runs and had 40 runs batted in, (RBIs) in the World Series.

Mickey did some amazing things in his life. He could run all 4 bases in only 13 seconds, (which made him one of the fastest people ever) he hit the Longest homerun ever in Major League Baseball (MLB) known as the Washington Wallop and lived to play through many of his injuries.



Although Mickey Mantle did many amazing things in his baseball career, he had a lot of things that he had to get through. When he was little his family was very poor this meant that he couldn’t afford many things. He was trained to become a switch hitter at a very young age and at this young age it was very difficult for him to do. When Mickey was in high school, he exposed a bone in his leg which became infected. This could have kept him from playing any sports ever again.

When Mickey was an adult he got tested to go to the army. When he failed, the army did not understand so they tested him 2 more times. Luckily he was able to keep playing baseball.

Some of Mickey Mantle’s Quotes

“Somebody once asked me if I ever went up to the plate trying to hit a homerun, I said, ‘Sure, every time.”

“It was all I lived for, to play baseball.”

“Hitting the ball was easy. Running around the

bases was the tough part.”

And my personal favorite:

“A team is where a boy can prove his own courage on his own. A gang is where a coward goes to hide.”

What Impacts did Mickey Mantle have on the world?

Overall Mickey Mantle was an Amazing person and had an amazing baseball career and life. Mickey Mantle was such a great baseball player that he changed the world of baseball forever for children playing baseball, and adults playing professional baseball.

Citing sources


Title:  MIckey Mantle

Author:  Marlin, John

Publisher:  Lerner Publishing Company

Date Published:  2005




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