Rube Goldberg Post #1

I decided to work alone on the Rube Goldberg project after a long debate on whether or not I should work with a partner. I thought it would be fun to work with my friends but I also felt like I would get distracted. There were many pros and cons of my decision. Some of the pros of working alone were that you can do whatever design you want and no one can disagree with you, you wouldn’t get distracted, and  if you have a weird schedule, then you don’t have to organize times to get together. The cons are that you have less materials to work with, it takes more time to build the contraption, and you have less ideas for your contraption. The main reasons I chose to work alone was so then I could use my own ideas instead of arguing about my ideas with my friend(s) and so I wouldn’t get distracted working with my friend(s) which would save a lot of time.

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