Rube Goldberg Post #6

I just finished my finished my Rube Goldberg video on Tuesday, 1/24. My contraption worked on attempt 23 It was about 9:15 PM when I finished. What’s funny is on attempt 22, I was about to call it quits for the night, but I forced myself to try it once more. On attempt 23, I just got really lucky, which will be shown in my final video. Overall, I really liked this project. I thought it was fun to design and create your own contraption, even though it was a pain to reset all of the dominos and jenga blocks. I also liked creating iMovies with all my videos. I made a final video, with 3 different angles, and I also made a bloopers video, featuring the best fails I could find. I also thought The steps I made were pretty creative. I used a domino to pull a tube, a spoon to catapult a piece of trash, and a domino to pull a jenga block out of the way, so a bouncy ball can pass.

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